The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


West Brunton Farm, Newcastle

Together with our supply partner, ESH-MWH, we are investing £2 million to upgrade the sewer network in West Brunton Farm. This essential work will secure the effective operation of the network for the future and will be carried out by ESH-MWH between Monday 10 October 2016 and Sunday 30 April 2017. The work will be carried out within the agricultural land close to West Brunton Farm and public open space to the rear of Wagonway Drive.

Project updates

Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning everyone,

The customer team wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year.  We hope you enjoyed our Christmas video last week.

If there are any issues over the festive period please contact 03457 171100, this is a 24 hour number.  During working hours (except weekends and bank holidays) I will be available to assist with any queries.

See you all in 2018.


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Update by Anthony Birkett

West Brunton Farm Legacy Project

For the last year Esh-MWH, working in partnership with Northumbrian Water, has been working at West Brunton Farm to upgrade the sewer network. Throughout the project we’ve engaged with Brunton First School to help them redevelop their existing pond, which was overgrown and out of use. We called upon West Brunton Farm’s core supply chain and through collaborative working, we were able to redevelop the pond and turn it into an outdoor educational area. This project wouldn’t have been possible without the support and generosity of our supply partners;

Deerness Fencing & Landscaping

MJR Groundworks and Construction

MKM Building Supplies

Nixon Hire

W. Marley Agricultural Contractors Ltd

James Burrell Builders Merchants




Here’s a link to the video which documents the project:




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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

Sorry we've not been in touch for a while. All works are now complete across the site. However, we will need to return later this month to install some hedges to the field opposite Lynemouth Way and a section adjacent to the A1, accessing from Maynard Street. This is because they need to be planted at a certain time of the year to ensure optimum growth.

Next year, we will return to complete the rotavating and seeding on Lynemouth Way and Maynard Street.

The compound will remain in place and will be used for another nearby scheme until March 2018.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience and understanding while we completed these works.



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Update by Christine Taylor


I thought it would be great to share this photo of Mark Robinson our site agent and MJR Groundworks enjoying working at Brunton First School today.  The guys were carrying out ecology and site clearance work for our legacy project.  I am sure the team will send more updates as the work continues.

I think its a great example of how happy we all are at work, I am sure you will agree!?!


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Update by Mark Robinson

Afternoon everyone,

It's a great day here at West Bruton Farm....we can finally celebrate now the FINAL CONNECTION has been installed by our subcontractor, MJR Groundworks. We had to wait for a special pipe fitting to be manufactured in order to change from one pipe size to another.

I've mentioned it a few times but it has been a challenging project and the team have worked extremely hard to overcome several issues along the way. The new sewer is now live and all that it left to do is finish our reinstatements and tidying of work areas. This should be complete within the next couple of weeks. I'll update you all with a few photos next week showing the landscaped area. It's almost as if we've never been here!!

Hope you all have a great weekend.


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Update by Mark Robinson

Morning everyone,

I'd like to apologise as it's taken me a while to get an update out to you all! I thought I'd write a few words to give a little update with some pictures to follow once I get my hands on our Agent's camera (he's rather attached!).

You may have noticed things have gone rather quiet on site as we close out areas and move further towards our main compound on Brunton Lane. I'm pleased to announce the bulk of our drainage replacement works are now complete. Hurrayyyyy!!! We have successfully replaced and lined the sewer network which currently has live flow passing through, making it's way to the waste treatment plants. It's been a challenging journey but the whole team have worked very hard and done an excellent job. Hopefully, our works haven't affected or disrupted you too much and as always, we do apologise for any inconvenience caused whilst we carry out our works and thank you for your patience.

So, as I mentioned above, things have gone rather quiet. We aren't hiding but rather working within the farmland filling the now redundant sewer with grout. This ensures that no voids are left below the ground and assists with future development. In addition to this, we have started moving from the bottom of the site (Featherstone Grove) towards Brunton Lane reinstating the topsoil, footpaths and generally tidying up. This activitiy will continue over the next couple of weeks. Our over pumping equipment will soon be demobilised at Lynemouth Way where we still have a rather large work area before the entire area is restored.

Enough for now, I'll get some photos up soon.



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

We have had a contact from a customer regarding our road reinstatement on Brunton Lane.  Our sub-contractor has carried out tarmac works and left a slight drop on the road, until the works are completed.  This work should be completed by the end of today.

Our site team take feedback on all these matters and are currently out spraying the area, to ensure that customers are aware of the drop.

Thank you for your feedback


PS: Have a lovely weekend

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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

I was out and about at West Brunton yesterday catching up with Mark and the team. We seem to have made good use of the recent good weather and making good progress. I took a few photos of the lads working on the reinstatements in the field by the compound, they're doing a great job!

Hope you all have a great weekend

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Update by Mark Robinson

Morning all,

It's been a while since I posted anything on here (I've been on holiday in Spain!!) so I thought I'd make it my priority task this morining.

A lot of progress has been made since last writing and I'm pleased to say we are currently on programme, despite a lot of challenges presenting themselves as the works have progressed. We've had more pipe collapses resulting in emergency works being carried out in the farm fields as well as poor weather and existing flows to overcome. Lets go through an update from the bottom of the site to the top....

Our lining operations to the Southern end of the project (East of the A1 and access via Featherstone Grove) are now complete. The haul road we had installed has been removed along with all of our equipment and pipe work. A landscaper will attend site this week to begin rotavating and seeding the topsoil. On the opposite side of the A1, similarly linining operations are complete and the haul road removed. There is a little more reinstatement work required to this area; replacing footpath kerbs, laying new tarmac as well as soft landscaping. These operations will hopefully be complete and our fencing removed in the next couple of weeks. A great milestone having complete the lining operations, all thanks to the dedicated team involved including our own directly employed operatives as well as our subcontractor, JetAire and specialist pump hire company, Exsel Pumps.

Further North on the project our drainage operations are nearing the final stages. We have been moving back along our newly laid pipe, making all the fiddly connections in order to transfer flows. I mentioned earlier the many challenges we have been faced whilst making these connections but our subcontractor, MJR Groundworks, have done a great job putting a lot of hard work in to get where we are today!

What to expect in the next couple of weeks...

Other than the soft landscaping mentioned above, we will be removing our temporary compound set up at Roseden Way, replacing kerbs and laying new tarmac to the footpath. Lynemouth Way compound will be removed, including the haul road to the work area and the footpaths and surround field reinstated. Our works will then focus on the final online pipe connection outside our main compound off Brunton Lane. Grouting operations are due to commence this week which will see plant and equipment mobilised for a day or two at Roseden Way. The grout will be used to fill sections of the redundant pipe that pass beneath the road and future development.

More from me later in the week hopefully with more good news and progress photos!


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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi everyone

What a glorious day its been, after such a fantastic weekend, I hope you all enjoyed the sun as much as me!

I have been up to West Brunton to discuss progress with the site team.The good news is that we are making good progress. On the Featherstone Grove side of the A1, we have finished the pipework and removed the access track. The top soil has been laid and the next step is to landscape so that it is back to the way it was when work started.

On the West side of the A1, the pipework is all complete and work is going well to remove the access track. We have removed about three quarters of the track to date. Top soil is being laid as we go, so once the track is removed, all that will be left to do is landscaping to return the area to how it was before work started. As we work, it may be necessary to restrict access to the footpath.

I've attached a few photos I took today.



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