The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


West Brunton Farm, Newcastle

Together with our supply partner, ESH-MWH, we are investing £2 million to upgrade the sewer network in West Brunton Farm. This essential work will secure the effective operation of the network for the future and will be carried out by ESH-MWH between Monday 10 October 2016 and Sunday 30 April 2017. The work will be carried out within the agricultural land close to West Brunton Farm and public open space to the rear of Wagonway Drive.

Project updates

Update by Mark Robinson

Afternoon everyone,

My colleagues have posted a few updates recently explaining we are reacting to emergency works required in the area. I thought I'd give a brief update of where we are on the project and what has been going on. It's been a rather challenging couple of weeks!

Due to the poor condition of the existing pipe, sections are continuing to collapse quicker than we are replacing the line. No, we aren't working at a snail's pace but the pipe line is 2km in length. This has meant programmed activities have had to be postponed and the team react to other areas along the site to make the ground and surround area safe. I mentioned above, this has been challenging but the team have done a fantastic job and all areas have been made safe.

Next week, we intend on returning back to Roseden Way, working within the easement from the public open space. Installation of 'online' (dealing with sewage as we go) pipes will commence and fingers crossed, we'll reopen the public footpath and remove the temporary diversion.

Also, on Monday, we will begin delivering and setting up the main over pumping operation...800m in length. This runs from the West side of the A1 to the Eastern side, passing beneath the A1 public underpass. Don't worry, you can still walk through, we've just pinched a little bit of room to install and secure a steel pipe. There will be a lot of heavy plant and vehicle movement in these areas next week so please be aware if walking nearby, especially with dogs. 

Next week I'll upload some of our latest progress photos showing the problems we've been dealing with!

Have a good weekend!


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Update by Christine Taylor

Great News!

Hi everyone,

The site team have finally managed to solve the issue near to Brunton Farm. I am sure you will all be pleased to know the pumps have now been removed and we will not be working over the weekend.

We wish you all a happy weekend

See you next week

Christine and the team


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Update by Anthony Birkett



As you know we have identified a collapsed sewer close to the works at West Brunton.  The site team continue to work hard to resolve the issue.  The work is continuing and the pumps will need to stay in place through the night.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, please be assured our site team are striving to resolve the issue.


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Update by Christine Taylor



As we stated yesterday we have identified a collapsed sewer close to the works at West Brunton.  The site team have been working hard all day to resolve the issue.  The work is continuing and the pumps will need to stay in place through the night.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, please be assured our site team are striving to resolve the issue.


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Update by Christine Taylor


We have discovered a collapsed sewer near to where we are working which requires immediate attention.

Kwikflow are currently on site working alongside our site team to rectify the situation.  To ensure that the sewer is operational throughout the night and to reduce impact to local residents, pumps will be in place pumping sewage from one pipe to another.  This will mean that our customers will not be impacted by the issue.

However this will mean there will be a slight increase in noise in the immediate area throughout the night. 

We apologise for any inconvenience, however please be assured that we will minimise any disruption caused.

Tony Birkett is currently on site speaking to any local residents that live in the area.


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Update by Mark Robinson

Good morning,

An update from West Brunton Farm for you all....

We have succesfully dealt with the collapsed section of pipe line that we were faced with and made the area safe. A temporary open sewer has been installed behind our main compound until we have the material and equipment on site to install the permanent pipe line. A very good team effort reacting to a problem on site!

Local residents will notice an increase in activity through the development and into the open public space this week. We have now installed a temporary footpath diversion, taking pedestrians around our work area until we have installed the pipe crossing. This should take approximately 1 week and then it will be open once again. We have identified the route using fencing, signs and cones but please take care when approaching the area.

This morning, we switched on our pumps to over pump the sewage, allowing the team to begin work replacing the existing pipes. Unfortunately, with the heavy rain last night increasing the volume running through the pipe, coupled with a blockage we have found within the line, we are off to a rather slow start. A big jetter tank will be arriving shortly to assist with clearing the blockage!! Its a messy job at times but necessary to improve the network for the customers.

Work has also started on the Eastern side of the A1. A small team is starting to install the access track that we need in order to reach the pipe line and chambers. This will run from Featherstone Grove through to the A1 embankment, consisting of a stone track and fenced off using pedestrian barriers. Please take care when walking around this area and stay outside of the barriers for your own safety.

More from me soon,


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Update by Mark Robinson

Morning all,

We have now started work installing our access track through Great Park public open space and making good progress. The access track will allow large, heavy construction plant, equipment and material to be transported from Maynard Street through to our last buried chamber beside the A1.

The track will be installed for approximately 12 weeks and be used throughout the day when we begin our pipe and chamber lining operations. Pedestrian barrier will demarcate the access track and prevent pedestrians coming into contact with our vehicles or plant. Our team will maintain the track and fence throughout the work duration, including the footpath crossing. Please be vigilant and take care when passing by, especially with dogs that may want to be nosy and inspect the track through the fence!

Also, at the most upstream section of the project, our team have had to mobilise to carry out unplanned remedial works to make safe a section of pipe that has recently collapsed in the farm land. This is a prime example of why we are here and renewing the network. The team will be returning to Roseden Way early next week to continue with the works through the new development.


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Update by Mark Robinson

Afternoon All,

We're up and running after a nice Christmas break and there is a lot of activitiy due in the next couple of weeks on this project. We have complete a large stretch of the new offline pipe installation through farm land up to Brunton Lane, just outside our main compound.

Throughout this week, our plant and equipment has been picked up and moved around to Roseden Way where we have installed a small satellite compound. For some of our team, this will be home for the next couple of months whilst we replace the old sewer pipe with a shiny new one, maintaining the existing flow of sewage at all times. We are tucked away between our neighbouring house developers and share the same access road so please be mindful of heavy construction traffic in the area.

Also this week, we have carried out a tree clearance exercise in order to access the NWG network chambers through Great Park as well as setting out the route of the access track which is due to start next week. A stone track will provide safe access from the nearby development all the way through to the end of our works on the North side of the A1.

More from me soon. Have a great weekend!


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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hello Everyone

I've been up to the West Brunton site this morning and thought I'd share a few pictures of the snow. It takes more than a bit of snow to slow us down - its business as usual!

Enjoy your weekend building snowmen - I know I will!


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning everyone,

Just a very quick update to remind everyone to drive safely, the weather is a quite wet and slippery.

Take care


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