The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


West Brunton Farm, Newcastle

Together with our supply partner, ESH-MWH, we are investing £2 million to upgrade the sewer network in West Brunton Farm. This essential work will secure the effective operation of the network for the future and will be carried out by ESH-MWH between Monday 10 October 2016 and Sunday 30 April 2017. The work will be carried out within the agricultural land close to West Brunton Farm and public open space to the rear of Wagonway Drive.

Project updates

Update by Anthony Birkett

Good Afternoon

Just a quick reminder that our site reopened today, so it it back to business as usual.  As usual, Mark Robinson will be be providing an update where applicable.

Happy New Year


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Update by Mark Robinson


Afternoon all,

Well that is it for another year! We have finished our work and are currently packing up on site, making everything safe and secure ahead of our 2 week break. We lock the gates tomorrow and return on 9th January 2017.

Whilst we always make every effort to ensure our construction sites are safe and when closed, are left secure, please remind children that they are dangerous places to play in and no attempt should be made to enter the site.

On behalf of ESH-MWH, Northumbrian Water and the site team of West Brunton Farm, I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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Update by Anthony Birkett


We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year. We will soon be packing up and closing down for our Christmas break, so we will be off site from 23 December 2016 until 9 January 2017.

Have a very happy and prosperous 2017!

Tony and the Site Team

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Update by Mark Robinson

Afternoon all,

Just a quick note to let you know we are well underway on the project with the majority of the set up and site establishment complete whilst we install the new off-line drainage to the North end of the project, which is progressing nicely!

We have installed over 400m of new pipe and 6 access chambers, ranging from 4.5m to 2.5m deep. As our Christmas break approaches, we are focusing on installing one more chamber, backfilling our works and tidying the site.

More from me soon,



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Update by Mark Robinson

Afternoon all,

Christmas is fast approaching and Jack Frost is up to his usual tricks now it's Winter!!

Roads are becoming icy and slippy so whether you're driving, cycling or even walking, please be careful.

If you're in the area, please be aware we have a slight increase in construction traffic along Brunton Lane this week and next. To tackle any mud on roads, we are employing road sweepers daily.



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Update by Mark Robinson

New Starter

Afternoon all,

As a new starter to Esh Construction, ESH-MWH joint venture and the project, I just thought I'd drop a quick message to introduce myself. My name is Mark Robinson and I will be overseeing the day to day management of the project moving forward, working alongside Stephen and the rest of the team. I've settled in nicely and fully up to scratch with the project so if you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact me or drop by our main compound along Brunton Lane.

More from me soon,


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Update by Christine Taylor

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posting we have all been very busy!

Myself and Richard Greenwell visited site on Friday morning to walk around, although freezing it was a lovely morning as you can see by our photos.

Work is progressing and the site team are working hard.

See you all soon


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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi All

I would like to share with you some of the great work we have done on our Weyhill Avenue Site in North Shields. On 3rd November 2016 many of the site team(myself included) volunteered our time to the Meadowell Connected Centre. We had a great time helping out, we helped to pot hanging baskets, make Christmas decorations and clean out the Guinea Pigs. I've attached a link to a Youtube clip of the afternoon, I hope you enjoy it:


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Update by Christine Taylor


We have now been on site for three weeks.  Setting up the site compound and working area is sometime the longest part of any job, and our site team have worked hard to ensure they are ready to start the programme of works next week.

I am currently sitting in the site cabins with Steve Bennison, our Project Manager for Brunton farm going through progress.  We wanted to share this news with the local community.  The site team have now completed the access roads to carry out the works and set up the site cabins.

We are expecting deliveries on Monday 7 November 2016 of some materials, mostly pipes.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries, by commenting or emailing me on



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Update by Anthony Birkett


As you may have noticed things have started to move at West Brunton Farm. We've moved on site to begin the process or preparing for the planned work and we will start work on the project soon.

Allow me to introduce the Project Team for the Sewer Upgrade at West Brunton Farm. We share the responsibility to regularly update the portal to ensure that everyone is kept up to date with the progress of the work and any news relating to the site.

The Project Team

My name is Tony Birkett; I am the Community Liaison Officer working for ESH-MWH on behalf of Northumbrian Water. Some of you may have seen me walking round the area speaking to customers about the upcoming work in your area. I will be in the area on a regular basis so if you see me please feel free to come and introduce yourself and ask any questions you may have, alternatively you can post messages here on the portal.

Mark Whaley is the Contracts Manager for the scheme working for ESH/MWH on behalf of Northumbrian Water Ltd. He will oversee the works on site, which aims to upgrade the sewerage network.

Steve Bennison is our Project Manager for the project, he will be working on site throughout the duration of the work; overseeing the daily operations of the scheme delivery.

Christine Taylor is the Customer Service Manager and will oversee the community engagement. She will ensure a high level of customer service and community engagement. Christine will be on site on a regular basis and very much welcomes any feedback in relation the ongoing work and delivery of service. If you see her out and about please feel free to stop her for a chat.

All of us, at some point, will be posting updates on the portal during the scheme. If at anytime during the working day, you want to speak to someone regarding the works, Steve, Christine or I can usually be found in the Site Compound; located off Brunton Lane; please feel free to drop by at anytime.



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