The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


West Brunton Farm, Newcastle

Together with our supply partner, ESH-MWH, we are investing £2 million to upgrade the sewer network in West Brunton Farm. This essential work will secure the effective operation of the network for the future and will be carried out by ESH-MWH between Monday 10 October 2016 and Sunday 30 April 2017. The work will be carried out within the agricultural land close to West Brunton Farm and public open space to the rear of Wagonway Drive.

Update by Mark Robinson

Afternoon everyone,

It's a great day here at West Bruton Farm....we can finally celebrate now the FINAL CONNECTION has been installed by our subcontractor, MJR Groundworks. We had to wait for a special pipe fitting to be manufactured in order to change from one pipe size to another.

I've mentioned it a few times but it has been a challenging project and the team have worked extremely hard to overcome several issues along the way. The new sewer is now live and all that it left to do is finish our reinstatements and tidying of work areas. This should be complete within the next couple of weeks. I'll update you all with a few photos next week showing the landscaped area. It's almost as if we've never been here!!

Hope you all have a great weekend.


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