The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Guisborough Road, Nunthorpe

We are upgrading the sewer network. This will increase the resilience and reliability of the network and will involve installing 240 meters of surface water sewer pipe in the area of Guisborough Road, Beverley Road and York Road. We will work closely with the local authority regarding the reinstatement of roads when the works are completed.

Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon Everyone, it's been some time since my last post, where we were nearing the end of our project just before Christmas. You will have noticed our team left the area a couple of weeks ago, and letters confirming our departure should be with you this week.

As predicted we finished the project on time and to plan, and since our departure Redcar and Cleveland Council have been and completed the final reinstatements at the junction of Guisborough Road and Beverley Road. Our final week onsite involved us prepping the new car parking spaces in the car park of St Marys Hall, Redcar and Cleveland Council came and laid the tarmac.  This was part of giving back to the community we have caused some minor interruptions to deliver the project. We will need to return in Spring to do the top soil and seed next to the car park, if we laid it now the weather would stop it from taking effect.

Throughout the lifecycle of this project there has always been a strong sense of Community and we fully got on board with that by making several contributions for the communities’ events such as the Kids fun day in Summer, The Remembrance Sunday Memorial and the over 65s Christmas lunch and not forgetting the coffee morning we organised at St Marys Hall. That morning gave me a smile from ear to ear, hearing all the wonderful comments made by everyone.

I’m sure all the guys we had on site will agreed it's been a wonderful project to work on and the residents have made it more pleasurable to work on giving them tea, coffee and cakes to keep them going.

From me and all our team Thank You! I have included below some of the photos I have collected along the way 😊

As always if you have any comments or concerns please comment below or use the contact us button at the top of the page.

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