Update by Gabrielle Ward
Good afternoon,
It's been a couple of weeks since my last update, here is how our work is progressing on site:
Sewage Pumping Station - landscaping around the SPS is now 90% complete. The site team are currently installing security covers to the shaft and security fencing around the SPS area.
Upstream gravity - Our subcontractors, Active Tunelling, have been busy working on the upstream gravity pipeline. Manholes 1 & 2 are now complete and the pipeline from manholes 3 & 4 are currently under construction. This will then tie in to the existing network.
Downstream gravity sewer - directional drilling works complete between manhole 11 and 16. The team are currently constructing the manhole chambers 11, 13, 14 & 15.
I have included a map which shows the different locations of our working areas, along with some photos.
As always, thank you for your continued patience and support.
Speak soon.
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