Hustledown Sewage Treatment Works Upgrade

We are investing £4m to improve the performance of our sewage treatment works at Hustledown. The work will involve the installation of new equipment which will provide additional chemical removal before the final effluent is discharged. This will aid NWL in improving the quality of rivers and coastal waters for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.

Project updates

Update by Alice Blackett

Good Morning all

A nail-biting weekend is ahead of us whilst England play Spain in the Euro finnals. COME ON ENGLAND!!!

We have also hit a milestone here at Hustledown Sewage Treatment Works as the rising main works are now completed and testing will take place next week.

The works to the Duct Pit and Draw Pit are now 80% complete.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Have a fantasic weekend!


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Update by Alice Blackett

Good Morning

Following our last update, the Kiosk is now watertight around the control pannel and the electricians can commence powering up.

The live tap has now been installed into the existing structure and is working well and both gravity pipelines have now been completed and tested.

Works on the rising main have now been restarted and should hopefully be complete by the weekend.

Please see attached photographs of what our hard working team have been up to.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at


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Update by Alice Blackett

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

Works are progressing well with the Flow Meter Chamber and By-pass Pipework now complete.

The motor control centres are now in place and the Kiosk has been placed over the top ready for connection to the electric supply. This will be the controls for the new works. 

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!



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Update by Alice Blackett

Good Afternoon

I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend.

Works are still progressing nicely with the bypass and flow meter. Installation of the Kiosk is also in progress as the ducts have been laid and the concrete base has been poured.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Have a lovely weekend!


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Update by Alice Blackett

Good Afternoon,

I hope you are all well.

Duct and draw pit box works are currently in progress along with the concrete slab works surrounding the pumping station valve. The team are continuing with by-pass pipework and flow meter chamber works.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Thank you for your time.


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Update by Alice Blackett

Good Afternoon,

I would firstly like to introduce myself having recently started with Esh, I will now be your point of contact should you have any queries in relation to the ongoing works at Hustledown and I will continue to provide you with updates on a regular basis.

Following on from last week, the portal wall works are now complete and the shaft collar has also been completed to finished levels. The team continue to work on the Flow Meter Chamber and by-pass. The weather couldn’t have been better for the team this week!

Thank you for your time, enjoy your weekend in the sunshine.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at


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Update by Rachel Rutter

Good afternoon,

Following on from last week the team continue with the pipeline from the shaft to the Mecana filter units. The portal wall extension works to the final effluent chamber has commenced, with the flow meter chamber and by-pass arrangement works continuing.

Lets hope the team have better weather and we see more sunshine.

Thank you for your time, have a lovely week!

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at


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Update by Rachel Rutter

Good morning,

Hope everyone has had a lovely week!

As mentioned previously the team have been waiting on the Mecana filter tank to arrive, I’m pleased to say this is now in place and fitted.

The pipelines are continuing to be constructed from the newly installed shaft to the filters and we have been working closely with Durham County Council and others involved and have reinstated the area within Stanley Ancient Woodlands.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at


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Update by Rachel Rutter

Good afternoon,

The team have now got the Mecana filter base in place and ready to accept the Mecana filter tank which will be delivered Tuesday 2 April 2024.

Connection works taking place outside of the working area will be completed this week and security palisade fence-line reinstated.

The pumping station wet well is now installed and benching in the base has been completed and ready for mechanical electrical & pumps to be installed.

Inter-connecting pipework around site continues ahead of programme.

Thank you for your time. Have a great weekend!

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at


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Update by Rachel Rutter

Good afternoon all,

Concrete has now been poured at the filter slab which enables the steel fixing to commence.

The team have started the wet well shaft and have achieved the formation.

The rising main pipework is ongoing, and the work is progressing within the schedule.

Thank you for your time. Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Have a great weekend!


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