The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Marden Quarry

We are investing £2.5 million to separate Marden Quarry and other sources of surface water from the public sewer network. This will improve the performance of our sewer network and help reduce the risk of flooding. This project is the second and final phase of work being carried out in North Cullercoats.

Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi everyone,

This weeks update as follows:-

Marden Road South/Broadway/Burnside Road

This week has been very productive at the top end of Burnside Road, with the completion of the remaining road gully connections and  tarmac reinstatements including white lining.

You will all be pleased to know, the traffic Management signs, cones including the 2 way traffic lights, and diversion routes will all be removed lunch time today and all routes re opened for access.

The grassed area where the shaft is located has now been cultivated and re seeded, later once established re planting of the Daffodil bulbs will take place.

Marden Nature Reserve/Scouts Hut area

Works have continued this week to modify the existing chamber and the flows have been turned into the new drainage network system, works to continue into next week to commence site clearance with landscaping reinstatements the following week.

North View

We have a small section of drainage to compete to the East of the Metro Bridge on North View, although these works are currently on hold, as we are awaiting Northern Power Grid to carry out a mains electric cable diversion in order for our self to install the remaining drainage to link and complete the network.

I myself will be on a long awaited annual leave for the next 2 weeks, although if you have any queries or concerns about the scheme, please feel free to visit Paul Jones, as he will be on site, and located in our temporary compound set up on the green adjacent to The Broadway.

Have a lovely weekend.




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