The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Marden Quarry

We are investing £2.5 million to separate Marden Quarry and other sources of surface water from the public sewer network. This will improve the performance of our sewer network and help reduce the risk of flooding. This project is the second and final phase of work being carried out in North Cullercoats.

Project updates

Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi everyone

Here is this weeks progress for the scheme:-

Marden Road South

Underground tunnel boring operations:- Following a slight delay due to ground conditions last week, we have recommenced drive 2 this week and progress has been very good so far, to date we have tunneled approximately 22.3 meters across Marden Road South just onto Burnside Road which will continue next week.

Along with the above operation, we have excavated the reception pit in preparation to receive the Underground tunnel boring. machine.

Underground tunneling works Drive 1 into the existing chamber within the Scouts Hut area is now complete, reinstatement works are continued along with turning the flows once all underground tunneling works are complete.

Burnside Road

Open Cut Drainage Works:- We have progressed really well this week working our way up to the junction of Hatherton Avenue with permanent tarmac operations following behind to open up the highway as soon as practically possible for residents access on their drives, however there will be further localized works to be carried out for the permanent reinstatement of the speed ramps at a later date, works will continue next week.

Apologies to those residents still affected by our works although we are endeavoring to progress as quickly as possible to complete the new drainage network.


Have a nice weekend.


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Update by Geoff Joyce

Hi everyone

Find below the update for week ending friday, 10 June, 2016:

Burnside Road

Pipelaying activities continued with good progress again being made. This work will continue next week, alongside the excavation for a reception pit for the tunnel boring machine adjacent to No. 42 Burnside Road.

Broadway/Marden Quarry

The tunnel boring machine was dropped (carefully) into the drive pit in the compound opposite The Quarry pub. Tunnelling has commenced but only to a point 4 metres outside the drive. Tunnelling work is to continue next week.

Work to convert the reception pit in the grounds of Marden Quarry adjacent to the scout hut continued. This will allow the abandonment of the old 300mm diameter pipeline. Again this work will continue next week.

Have a great weekend



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon everyone,

We have had a great morning with some special visitors from Cullercoats Primary School.

As mentioned yesterday we displayed our winning safety posters on the fencing around our site.  All the winners including the runners up came along this morning with Mr Storey and Miss Bartlet. 

A guided tour of site was given, which everyone seemed to enjoy.  It was great to meet the children and show them thier work in display.

Everyone was extremely well behaved on site, including Mr Storey.

Thank you Cullercoats Primary for spending time with us and designing our posters, we really appreciate everything.

Don't forget if you see us around, please give us a wave and come and say hello :-)

See you all soon

Christine, Paul and Steve

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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Some of you may of noticed our site team outside carrying out some work on the fencing surrounding the site.  We have now finished judging the posters provided by Cullercoats Primary School and are happy to announce our winners!

The winning posters were designed by Connie, Thomas and Matthew. 

Their designs have been transferred onto large boards and are being displayed on our green fencing facing Marden Road South opposite 'The Quarry' public house.

Due to the high standard of our submissions we have made the decision to display our Runners up in a seperate display cabinet.  These can be found on the same fencing near to the bus stop.

I have been and taken some photos so everyone can enjoy the childrens creativity :-)


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Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)


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Update by Geoff Joyce

Hi everyone

Find below the latest progress update (to Friday, 27 May, 2016)

Burnside Road

Pipelaying works have progressed well and we brought the reinstatement works forward to re-open the section of road across the junction of Plessey Crescent and St George's Road earlier than planned. (some photos are attached). Traffic management has now been altered to suit the new access arrangements.

Broadway/Marden Quarry

We have completed work to the reception pit in Marden Quarry land in readiness to receive the tunnelling machine which has driven from the drive pit in the grassed area opposite The Quarry PH.

Tunnelling works are progressing better than expected. We have made very good progress throughout the week and hope to drive the tunnel boring machine into the reception pit in Marden Quarry on Tuesday, after the Bank holiday weekend.

Have a great Bank Holiday weekend. I hope the weather turns out to be better than forecast.


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Update by Paul Jones

Hi all, I'm Paul site manager working closely with Steve the project manager on this scheme, here is a quick update on progress for you all.

The drainage works on Burnside road are progressing well with further permanent tarmac works being scheduled for this week.

The under ground Micro Tunneling works are progressing well, along with the reception pit for the new drainage network in the Scouts Hut area, I have attached some photos for you to show the pipes being installed and the material that is being extracted by the tunneling machine, There are also some of the existing chamber being prepared to accept the new pipe work.


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Update by Christine Taylor


We have received all our entries for our poster competition from Cullercoats Primary School, I collected them from Mr Storey on Monday.

As you can see by the photo, the site team are excited of the prospect of our new Site Safety Posters going on our fencing and we set to judging straight away.

The standard of entry was extremely high, we were impressed the design, imagination and colour.  I have attached a photo of a small selection of our entries so you can all judge for yourself how great they all were.

There seems to be many budding artists at Cullercoats Primary School.

The winners of the competition will be announced next week, watch this space!

From all of us at the site cabin, thank you for taking the time to help us with our Posters.




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Update by Christine Taylor


As you are all aware we have set up our site cabins on The Broadway opposite the junction for Burnside Road.  Over the last few weeks we have had the pleasure of meeting some four legged customers.......the ponies of Mardenway Pony Parties.

Mardenway Pony Parties are still open for business - to book please call 07846 708804.

They also have a facebook page - Mardenway Pony Parties (



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Update by Christine Taylor


Just a reminder to everyone that all the businesses in the area of junction of Burnside Road, Plessey Crescent and St Georges Road are still open. 

Although there is a rolling road closure on Burnside Road, access can still be gained to all these businesses via the diversion.


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