Afternoon everyone,
We wanted to give you a quick update. We're making great progress and wanted to share this with you.
First off, on the reservoir side of the project the site clearance is going well. Our team has been working hard to clear the area, and things are looking good. The temporary perimeter fencing has been installed.
Starting Monday, the team will be continuing with the topsoil strip. You may have noticed the stockpile of topsoil and this in preparation of it being transferred.
The tracking mats on Mount Park Road were installed which are necessary to protect buried services whilst we transfer the topsoil from the West to the East side of Mount Park Road. This activity is due to start Monday 12th June and last up to 6 weeks. Once this is complete the ramps will be removed.
Whilst they’re in place, we ask that you please adhere to the 5pmh speed limit.
You will also notice the acoustic barriers being added to the fencing next week. This is a requirement that we must meet, as per the planning conditions. The purpose of the barriers is to minimise the noise and dust that may arise during the ongoing work. We understand that these factors can cause inconvenience, which is why we are taking additional measures such as damping down when necessary.
During the topsoil strip with the archaeological watching brief, the team have made some exciting discoveries. As they have carefully stripped back the topsoil and excavated, they have uncovered several findings things such as, medieval pottery that could date back approximately 7000 years and, a collection of bones, which they believe to be more recent. Don't worry though, these aren't human, and are likely to be a large animal. I'm looking to forward to seeing what else we discover, whilst we carry on with the topsoil strip and excavation work.
Over on the Eighton Banks side, we've been busy too. We've put up the Heras and newt fencing there. Vegetation clearance is underway and, we're working on stripping the topsoil towards the west of Bowes Railway.
We would like to thank you all for your understanding and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to comment below and one of the team will contact you.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make progress.
Enjoy your weekend!
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