The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


University Sewage Treatment Works Growth Upgrade

Upgrading the capacity of the sewage treatment works to meet the increased number of customers in the area due to additional new housing and student accommodation. Our sewage treatment works aid NWG in improving the quality of rivers and coastal waters for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.

Project updates

Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning,

Here is a quick update on our progress prior to the Christmas break, and what to expect in the upcoming weeks.

December saw a flurry of activity to ensure the construction work was substantially completed before we broke up for Christmas.  All existing electrical process equipment was transferred onto the new control panels and software allowing the old control panel to be removed.  The remaining HSAF civil works were completed, and the temporary welfare cabins removed from site to enable the permanent landscaping to be completed as far as possible. Following our return to site in January we have been completing the removal off all redundant electrical equipment and cabling, which is expected to be completed by the end of the month. 

Looking ahead over the next three months we will be returning to site periodically to complete certain elements of work that were pushed back due to supply issues and weather.  Landscaping work will not be completed until the spring for seeding purposes.      

I have added some photos below.



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning, and Happy New Year to you all!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. I just wanted to let you know that our site team returned to work last Tuesday, and are now busy back on site. 

Keep a look out for updates over the upcoming weeks!

As always, please feel free to leave a comment below with any questions you may have.

Speak soon,


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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Afternoon,

I hope you are all well?

Work continues at pace, making the most of the unseasonable mild weather.  We have completed construction of the HSAF Pumping Station Well, together with associated pipework and have started the construction of the HSAF concrete slab including drainage. The process of transferring the existing process equipment over to the new control panel is now well underway and is expected to be completed early December.  

As always, I have included some photos for you to view.

If you have any questions you would like to ask us, please feel free to leave a comment below and we will get back to you!

Thank you,



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Update by Gabrielle Ward


Here is an update on whats been going on, on site over the last month.

We continue to make good progress on site, safely and to programme. Work has commenced to construct the infrastructure associated with the mobile HSAF (hybrid submerged aerated filter) which includes a new HSAF pumping station well and new ducting. The new mixing system has also been installed in the new storm tank.   The new MCC (Motor control center) and ICA (Instrumentation, Control and Automation) panels have now been powered up and the transfer of equipment from the old panels to the new panels will be commencing shortly and is expected to take up to six weeks to complete. 

If you have any questions you would like answering, please feel free to leave a comment below. 

Have a great weekend!



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Afternoon,

I hope you've all enjoyed this lovely weather we've being having before the cooler weather arrives.

Work has progressed with pace on site, making the most of the summer months. We have completed the majority of the civil works associated with the new storm tank, including pouring the structural base, installing the storm return pump pipework and the above ground storm inlet pipe.  We are currently constructing the final section of storm overflow pipework which includes constructing two new manholes.  Our electrical subcontractor is busy glanding and terminating cables to the new control panel ready for commissioning works starting in October.

As always, I have added a couple of photos below.

Please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions you'd like us to answer.

Thanks everyone!



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning,

Here is a quick update on what our site team have been busy with over the last month.

Progress on site has been good despite the recent poor weather. The civil works to convert the existing sludge tank into the new storm tank is nearing completion with the pouring of the structural base planned for this week.  Along side the new sludge tank works we have substantially completed the new fat drain including manholes and our electrical subcontractors have started the electrical refurbishment which has included the installation of the new control panel.

I have added some photos for you to have a look at.

As always, if you have any questions you'd like answering, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thank you for your patience during this time.



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning,

I just thought I would pop on and say hello, and post a quick update on the progress of our work.

The construction work on site is progressing as expected. We have now completed installing all the new ducting on site and have installed the new sludge mixing system.  With the new mixing system commissioned we are now able to isolate the large sludge tank to allow works to progress converting it into the new storm tank.  We have started constructing the new valve chamber off the side of the storm tank together with the inlet and overflow pipework.

I have added some photos below of the new valve chamber, and the new sludge mixing system. 

As always, if you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please leave a comment below or use the "contact" button at the top of the page.

Thank you for your continued patience and support.


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Update by Gabrielle Ward


I hope you're all enjoying this lovely sunshine we are having at the moment.

Work is progressing well on site. We are continuing the installation of the new permanent electrical ducting and draw pit chambers which we intend to complete over the next two weeks. We have completed the civil works to allow the installation of the new sludge mixing system which is due to be installed shortly.

This week we have started core drilling the openings in the existing control building to facilitate the installation of new control panels allowing access for cabling. 

I have added some photos below of our recent work. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch via the comment section below or contact button at the top of the page.

There will be more updates posted on this page in the upcoming weeks. As always, thank you for your continued patience and cooperation during this time.

Kind Regards,



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning, 

Following on from Colin and Amanda's update and introduction, I thought I would pop on and say hello and introduce myself. I am Gabrielle Ward, MMB Customer Liaison Officer for this project. I'd also like to share a quick update on the work we are carrying out. 

Our site works commenced on Tuesday 6th April as planned and we have completed the establishment of the temporary welfare facilities which included creating a stone hardstanding (please see the photograph below).  We have started the installation of the new permanent electrical ducting and draw pit chambers which will facilitate the site wide electrical refurbishment. Next month, we are looking to start civil works to allow the installation of a new sludge mixing system. 

We will keep you updated once the next stage of work has commenced. Myself and our MMB Site Manager, Grant Crawford, will be posting regular updates on here throughout the duration of the works. 

We kindly ask that you take extra care if you're visiting Hollingside Lane as site traffic will be using this road for deliveries to our Sewer Treatment Works. In the mean time, if you have any questions please feel free to post a comment below or visit the "contact" button at the top of the page. 






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Update by Amanda Hunt

Hi Everyone,

Following on from Colin,s introduction and details about this project I thought I would take the opportunity to introduce myself.

I'm Amanda Hunt, Customer Care Manager for Northumbrian Water and part of the project team working closely with our supply partners MMB who are undertaking the work on our behalf. I work hand in hand with MMB's Customer Liason Officer Gabrielle Ward to ensure that our customers are always considered.

I know that Gaby will be logged on here soon with her own introduction and will also provide regular updated as the works progress. But for any comments or queries you might have please let us know by commenting below or by using the contact button above at the top of this page.  



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