Update by Gabrielle Ward
Good Morning,
Here is a quick update on our progress prior to the Christmas break, and what to expect in the upcoming weeks.
December saw a flurry of activity to ensure the construction work was substantially completed before we broke up for Christmas. All existing electrical process equipment was transferred onto the new control panels and software allowing the old control panel to be removed. The remaining HSAF civil works were completed, and the temporary welfare cabins removed from site to enable the permanent landscaping to be completed as far as possible. Following our return to site in January we have been completing the removal off all redundant electrical equipment and cabling, which is expected to be completed by the end of the month.
Looking ahead over the next three months we will be returning to site periodically to complete certain elements of work that were pushed back due to supply issues and weather. Landscaping work will not be completed until the spring for seeding purposes.
I have added some photos below.
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