Update by Loren Jennings
Good afternoon,
I wanted you to know that I received several questions after my last project update, so I wanted to share some further information with the community.
Our project at Haydon Bridge has not stopped due to covid, rather I wanted to emphasize that things have gotten trickier because of covid restrictions. But the project team continues to work really hard.to understand the flood risk and come-up with proposals to address it.
The team's current activities are focused on integrating the hydraulic models from the River Tyne, adjoining burns, and the sewer and drainage networks. This is really important because with this we can determine holistically how the proposals will positively affect flood risk.
I hope to be able to update you on our proposals in September after we have developed a short list of solutions. The study is expected to be completed in December, at which point we will work with our partners at the Environment Agency and Northumberland County Council to begin to piece together funding which may be required.
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