The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Haydon Bridge

We are currently undertaking a Stage Two Northumbria Integrated Drainage Partnership (NIDP) study in Haydon Bridge.

What is the NIDP

For our Haydon Bridge project the Northumbria Integrated Drainage Partnership (NIDP) team is made up of Northumbrian Water, Northumberland County Council and the  Environment Agency, working together to reduce our communities’ risk of flooding from all sources. We are a collaborative group who jointly fund studies to identify and investigate flood risk from surface water runoff, watercourses and sewers. Each member of the partnership has a remit which includes flood risk management, you can read more about who is responsible for what here.

Across the wider north east region the NIDP membership includes all 14 Local Authorities. The partnership is managed by a governance body with representatives from all of the organisations who hold responsisilibility for flood risk management (Risk Management Authorities or RMA's). The governance group have developed high level guidance and direction by:

  • Agreeing and developing a strategic level risk based prioritisation methodology for the identification of high risk drainage areas
  • Promoting implementation of the prioritisation methodology to direct investment to the most needed areas
  • Supporting and facilitating the timely sharing of data and information between parties for the purposes of understanding and managing integrated flood risk
  • Managing the application of the methodology by sharing knowledge and experience
  • Overseeing the delivery of detailed studies at high risk locations as identified in the earlier prioritisation location
  • Ensuring that suitable mechanisms are in place to communicate approach with other parties working on flood risk
  • Championing the approach of first understanding the ‘right thing to do’ - ahead of the preference of any single organisation.
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