The construction phase of this project is now complete.
There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.
We are investing over £3 million to improve storm and preliminary treatment at Lynemouth sewage treatment works to improve the quality of effluent discharging to Lyneburn and meet the demands of an increasing population in the wider catchment. Our sewage treatment works aid NWL in improving the quality of rivers and coastal waters for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.
Once construction is underway the typical working hours will be Monday to Friday, between 8.00am and 6.00pm.
We have no plans to disrupt your water supply while we work on this project.
The vast majority of construction work will be taking place within the existing site boundary, however, there will be a noticeable increase in construction traffic through the edge of the village during the construction period.
We will write to customers again prior to construction work commencing where we will be able to provide more detail. We will also keep our community portal updated with key information about progress. For notifications about project news, traffic information and progress updates please sign up to the community portal here. For information and advice please contact us on 0345 717 1100 or log onto to chat online or arrange for a call back from our project team to discuss any queries.
The site will be operated by our framework partner Mott Macdonald Bentley an experienced contractor working to tight health and safety standards. Working areas will be securely fenced off from public access at all times and alternative pedestrian access will be provided to ensure everyone is safe. We do ask that everyone respects the site fencing, signing, guarding and instructions of our team when required for your own safety.
The existing site is well screened from the public highway. While we will be installing new process treatment units, there will be no visual impact. If it is necessary to extend the operation site (circa 10m), the perimeter security fence will be re-aligned along the northern boundary of the site and replanted inside the perimeter fenceline to re-established screening.
The construction work will involve the use of large machinery, digging up ground, pouring concrete and working with granular materials which may result in some dust, vibration and noise. The site team will do everything they can to minimise any inconvenience caused by this and will make sure that the work is carried out safely.
The work will involve digging up and transporting soil and other excavated materials to storage or for disposal which may cause dirt on the roads. The site team will monitor the cleanliness of the public highway. Mechanical road sweepers will be used as required to maintain the cleanliness of affected roads.
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