The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Monks Wood, North Shields Surface Attenuation

We are currently on site adjacent to Beach Road. Our scheme is to separate surface water flows from the combined sewerage system and store the excessive flows during storms. To do this, we are constructing new surface water and combined sewers together with a series of cascading basins in which to hold back the flows until the storm subsides and the existing sewerage system can accept the storm water.

Project updates

Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

We've been making hay while the sun shines this week - it been glorious weather!

We continue to make good progress with the construction of the basins - the footpath off Whitecliffe remains open fro now, but as we work along the grassed area, this will need to be closed again at some point. We'll let you know when in due course.

Work has also been moving on on the trenchless crossing of Beach Road between Monks Wood and the area beside Whitehouse Primary. The drive and reception pits are complete and we are due to start driving through under the road next week.

I've attached a few photos of our work this week.

Enjoy the weekend


Update by Simon Bright


The drive pit excavation I mentioned on the last update at the school has been dug this week, joiners are currently working to construct a thrust wall for the trenchless auger bore pipe crossing under Beach Road. We'll be moving over into Monks Wood next week where we'll install a temporary hardstanding off the street to construct a excavation to receive the auger bored pipe. There will be some construction traffic accessing the site via Monks Wood which has been minimised by re-sequencing the work. Works will continue on the large diameter drainage pipes behind Ludlaw Avenue.


Update by Simon Bright


We've had a few changes this week, an access has been created from Whitehouse Primary school to the main site. To do this we have installed a protection slab over the utilities which run along Whitehouse lane to take the weight of site vehicles. For us to continue productively and for public protection, Ludlaw Avenue to Beach Road footpath has been removed and Whitecliffe close footpath has been reopened. Over at Monks Wood, fencing has been installed to establish the site and trial pits have been dug to check the line and level of the existing utilities.

Next week we'll be continuing with drainage from Ludlaw Avenue to Whitehouse lane and excavating a thrust pit for the trenchless drainage from the school field over to Monks Wood.


Update by Simon Bright


Again this week everything is going to plan, we are continuing with the large manholes next to Ludlaw Avenue and laying pipes. We've also been stripping off top soil between Whitehouse Lane and the main site ready to link the access. The drainage will continue next week crossing the footpath between Ludlaw Avenue and Beach Road. For public safety we will need to close the footpath from Ludlaw Avenue to Beach Road and re-open the footpath from Whitecliff Close to maintain public access. Whitehouse Lane will remain open, however, there will be a manned crossing point for site vehicles.


Update by Anthony Birkett


Whether you are Christian or not, its always nice to have a long weekend off with family and friends and it seems as though we may even have the weather this weekend!!

Enjoy your long Easter Weekend off and make sure you get to the shop early for your bbq stuff before they sell out!

The lads will be off site from close of business today until Tuesday morning.

Have a good one!


Update by Simon Bright


Again we have progressed well this week, laying almost 100m of large diameter pipes and building a manhole. We've also progressed work in Whitehouse Primary school field and started forming an access to the main site. 

Next week we'll continue with the large manholes and pipes behind Ludlaw Avenue.


Update by Simon Bright


Works are progressing well on site. We are currently installing a large diameter man hole next to the path between Ludlow Avenue and Beach Road. We're also establishing a storage compound in Whitehouse Primary School Field which will service the works at the Western end of the site.

Although notices have been served by North Tyneside Council to close footpaths around the site, we have no intentions to close Ludlow Avenue or Whitehouse Lane. We will sequence our work to maintain access to these footpaths. 

Next week we'll be continuing the drainage with large diameter pipes behind Ludlow Avenue and digging trial pits in and around school field.


Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

I've been to site today for a progress update from the site team.

We've had a busy week, we've continued stripping soil throughout the working area and started to lay pipes in preparation for the basins being built. This week we've put about 120m of pipework into the ground and will continue in this vein next week.

We've also been working on the fencing round the perimeter of the working area and stripping trees further along Beach Road. Obviously whenever we remove trees, we make arrangements to replace them at the end of the scheme.

Next week we expect to take delivery of our larger cabins and the compound area will begin to take shape for the next few months.

I've attached a few photos taken this morning.

Have a nice weekend


Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

As you will have seen, we have started our work on the grassed area off Beach Road.

As with any scheme, our first task is to establish the compound area. Over the last week we have dug out and surfaced the entry points to the compound and put down a stone base. The cabins are scheduled to arrive next week.

We have also stripped the topsoil from Whitecliffe path towards Ludlow path. As we've mentioned previously, we will maintain access to at least one of the paths throughout the work.

I've attached a couple of Photos that Adam on site sent through showing our work this week.

We'll be in touch with regular updates throughout the scheme.



Update by Simon Bright


The cycleway / footpath has been reopened on Beach Road, however, the lane closure will remain in place for the rest of the week for off-loading. We are ploughing on with setting up the compound, the drainage has been installed and over the next few days we'll be importing stone for the compound base. We're continuing setting up site fencing and stripping top soil ahead of the drainage works. The footpath from Whitecliffe Close will remain closed for the duration of the project.

Next week the lane closure will move west on Beach Road to enable us to construct the site entrance into Whitehouse Primary School. We are able to construct this entrance without closing the Footpath / Cycleway as concrete protection slabs are not needed over the existing services.



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