The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Monks Wood, North Shields Surface Attenuation

We are currently on site adjacent to Beach Road. Our scheme is to separate surface water flows from the combined sewerage system and store the excessive flows during storms. To do this, we are constructing new surface water and combined sewers together with a series of cascading basins in which to hold back the flows until the storm subsides and the existing sewerage system can accept the storm water.

Project updates

Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

I have spoken to our site team and they have explained that they are still working on site due to delays in material deliveries.  As you may be aware this is a nationwide issue for many products at the minute.  They have now received all materials and hope to have completed the works by next Friday.

As always, please contact me if you wish to discuss our works.

Have a lovely weekend.


Update by Becky Gartland

Good afternoon Everyone,

Following our work over the last 18 months, you will see our site team returning to site on Monday 12th April 2021 for a period of up to 3 weeks. They will be working within the location of the basins to complete minor defect works. 

There will be plant equipment in operation with banksmen in attendance to maintain safety for pedestrians passing the working area. Footpaths from Ludlow Avenue, Whitehouse Lane and Whitecliffe Close will remain open during these works.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding these works, please do not hesitate to contact Christine Taylor on 




Update by Becky Gartland

Good afternoon and Happy New Year to you all!

Just a quick update to advise you that our landscaping contractors will be attending site week commencing the 18th January 2021 to complete the final stage of planting and landscaping the area following our works. If you have any queries at all please do not hesitate to contact us. 



Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Our project team wanted me to inform local residents that our supply partner, Kwikflow, will be on site carrying out CCTV of the drainage week commencing the 2 November 2020.  They are expecting to attend site on the 3 November 2020, however this date may change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

Take care


Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Following our update yesterday, we would also like to inform customers that we will have a Footpath Closure and diversion in place on Beach Road.  This is to allow our final stage of work to be carried out safely.  The closure will be in place from Monday 20 July to Friday 24 July 2020, from 9.00-15.30, during these times please follow the diversion in place.

We have posted the traffic management plan, which show our diversion on our planned work section.

Have a great weekend.


Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Adam, our Senior Engineer on site has sent through a progress update.

Our landscapers have been working this week; harrowing and stone picking from the school down to basin 7, the east end of site. The seeding is to commence either Thursday or Friday.  The fencing has been stripped from whitecliff path back to site entrance, by the back of morrisons carpark.

Our team have started to reinstate the path and pin kerbs to whitecliff path and will start to reinstate the Beach Road site entrance.  All of this works should be completed next Thursday.  The landscaping works shoud be completed by next Friday, except tree planting, which will be autumn time.

We will be demobing the compound at the Leisure centre next Friday 24th July 2020.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and we will provide a further update next week.


Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

As you can see we are working on the basins.  Could we ask that whilst the reinstatement and seeding is being carried out, residents refrain from walking across the area.  This will allow the seeds to take and the area to establish quicker.

Thank you in advance.


Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

I hope everyone is keeping well?

The site team have sent me an update which I want to share with you.

As you will have seen we have arrived back on site to complete our works, now the weather and ground has improved.  The team have set up the compound in Tynemouth Swimming Pool carpark.  We have had a team carrying out testing of the existing drainage, and an inspection from Northumbrian Water is pending.

On Monday, Northeast Groundworks (GWS) arrived on site. They started with reprofiling the field from Ludlow path to Basin 1. The crew are working down the field, and will be tiding basins as they go.  

This Monday our contract partner Straughans arrive on site, to strim the path to the rear of heras fence, this will assist with customer access to the rear of their properties.  Following this they will spray off self seeded weeds across site.  Straughans will then return in a couple of weeks to commence seeding, cultivating etc.

Have a lovely weekend and I hope the sun makes an appearance.



Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

I have spoken to some residents recently regarding our return to site.  Also you may have seen from our comments on a previous post or from the letter you will have received from Northumbrian Water this week, we are returning to site on the 22 June 2020

We expect to be on site for approximately 6 weeks. 

During this time our works will include:

  • Finishing ground levels for the basins
  • The area will be stone picked and debris will be removed
  • A tidy up of the existing shrubbery will be carried out
  • The grass seed and wild flower seeding will be sown
  • Some tree and shrub planting witll be carried out on both sides of Beach road
  • The wildlife Garden in Whitehouse Primary School will be tidied up and handed over to the school

We want to take this opportunity to reasure you that we will be working strictly in line with the government guidelines around coronavirus and that the safety of our customers and workforce is paramount.

If you wish to discuss this work further or have any concerns please feel free to cotact us via this portal or by calling 03457 171100, and a callback will be organised.

We will see you all soon.



Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

We wanted to take this opportunity to wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2020.  We would also like to thank you all for your patience and understanding whilst we have carried out our works, thank you for being amazing!

As you can see by the picture my team are in the festive mood.  Both Tony and Becky are taking time off to be with their loved ones over Christmas along with the site teams, but wanted to show off their Christmas jumpers.

I will be working over the Christmas and New Year period if you have any concerns.  You can contact me by commenting on this post or alternatively calling 03457 171100.

Merry Christmas, stay safe and be kind.


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