The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Monks Wood, North Shields Surface Attenuation

We are currently on site adjacent to Beach Road. Our scheme is to separate surface water flows from the combined sewerage system and store the excessive flows during storms. To do this, we are constructing new surface water and combined sewers together with a series of cascading basins in which to hold back the flows until the storm subsides and the existing sewerage system can accept the storm water.

Project updates

Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

I was on site yesterday and had a walk around with Adam to see how we've progressed this week. Over the last few days and into the next few, we're making good progress. We've reinstated the kerbs on Beach Road by our cabins and further up by the school. We've also nominated a contractor to complete the tarmac reinstatements at these locations and also on the Monks Wood side. In addition to this, we're continuing to shape the basins and will be removing the stone used to form the compound from site later this week. We have our landscaping contractor booked to attend site soon to plant trees etc. Things are moving along nicely in the run down to Christmas

I've attached a few photos illustrating the areas I've mentioned


Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

I was on site this week meeting with Ashley, Mark and Lawrence to discuss, among other things, the reinstatement plans.

Firstly, around the existing compound area: In the next week, the green cabin will be removed from site - the yellow cabin will remain in place until we pull off for Christmas. We will also be raising the kerb that we lowered to allow access and reinstating the footpath. We are currently working on the basins in this area, having completed the Wear Wall (the timber structure that you may see poking out of the ground). Once we form the basic basin construction we will leave site, although this basin along with the rest will require grading and contouring when we return in spring 2020, we simply can't complete the final grading with current ongoing weather conditions. 

When we leave site we will pull the fencing in as much as we can and trim the bushes and weeds back to allow access around the outside of the fencing area, to the rear of Heybrook Avenue. As previously mentioned, the temporary fencing to the perimeter of the basins will need to remain in place until we return to complete the work in Spring 2020.

We have removed some of the fencing, however the posts that haven't been removed will need to remain in place for now. The ground conditions have made it impossible to remove them right now, so they will be taken out in the Spring.

A little further up Beach Road towards Whitehouse Primary School there is a large gap in the treeline. This gap was present before we arrived, but we will fill it with a shrub mix. Currently we are finding things difficult due to the ongoing poor weather conditions, so if this isn't completed, it will when we return in Spring 2020. (picture 1)

Moving further along again, we have installed a temporary fence alongside the footpath between Beach Road and Ludlow Avenue - this is purely to demarkate the area under reinstatement, as at the moment it is not in a condition that we would be happy to call finished - further landscaping will be required here in Spring as well, which will include regrading, stone picking, cultivating and seeding. (picture 2)

On the other side of this footpath we have installed a fence and a tree line near to Beach Road. There will be another row of trees planted behind this current row to increase the density. This will be done before we leave the area for Christmas. (picture 3)

Alongside Whitehouse Primary School, we will need to reinstate the footpath which runs past the school to Beach Road. We will also remove the Herras fencing on the opposite side of the School and replace this with a temporary post and wire fence that will be in place until Spring 2020. You may have noticed that we are currently working on raising the kerb that we lowered for access and reinstating the footpath, his will be completed soon.

On the other side of Beach Road(the Monks Wood side), there is still work to be done. We are not finished yet. In the next week we will be removing the temporary tarmac ramp installed against the existing kerbline in Monks Wood. Also the existing footpath that we crossed when working in this area has dipped a little, so this will be relayed before we leave for the Christmas break. We also have futher semi-mature tree's to plant in this area, which we are awaiting delivery. The hedgrow removed from the fencline running parallel with Beach Road will also be replanted. (pictures 4 & 5)

When we return in spring all the temporary fencing and associated timber posts will be removed, the basins will be regraded, stone picked, cultivated, and seeded. Temporay post and wire fencing to the verge on Beach Road and the temporary timber fencing to the footpath leading to Ludlow Avenue will remain until the landscaping has established. The temporary site access at the East end of Beach Road will also be reinstated and the footpath crossing point resurfaced. Once completed we have a further twelve months for mainatance, so you will see our landscapig contractor visiting to undertake grass cutting, weed control and general maintance to the perimeter of the site. 

I hope this update provides clarity on our current timescales,



Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

Work has gone well on site this week.

We've planted the trees alongside the fence which was put up last week near to Whitehouse Primary School - these will need to be given time to establish once the weather improves.

We've also continued with preparations for digging the final basin at the other end of site - the stone base is in the process of being removed so we can complete this before leaving site before Christmas.

We will continue to work hard to get the job done as quickly as we can.

Have a nice weekend


Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

I've been to site today for a catch up with the team and a walk around to see how we're progressing.

The last week or so has seen a number of visible improvements: we've erected a fence off Beach Road, down towards the school - we've also received delivery of some of the trees and shrubs that will be planted in that area (I've attached a couple of photos of the fence and some of the trees); we've also been working on the landscaping within the school - sadly due to the weather, we had to cancel a planned event there this week (I've attached a couple of photos showing some of the landscaping here as well). There is still a little to do here.

In the next week or two you will notice us starting to remove some of the fencing in preparation for withdrawing. Some of the fencing will remain in place, but we will pull this in as much as we can to allow some access around the outskirts of it - we also intend to cut back some of the overgrowth where necessary.



Letter 25 October 2019

Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Over the last few weeks, we have spent some time with the pupils of Whitehouse Primary School.  Before we leave at Christmas we will be working with the school to create an outside area for the pupils to spend time and learn about nature.  The area in the school grounds where we are currently working, will be reinstated to an 'Outdoor Classroom'.

Although the ground works will be completed this year, as with the basins we will be seeding and planting the wildflower next spring.

The pupils along with employees from Esh-Stantec, Turner & Townsend and Northumbrian Water spent two afternoons working hard to create Bug Hotels for the area.  I have to say the pupils and staff were fantastic.  So much enthusiasm, even though it was incredibly cold and damp.  Some of our young female helpers made bug palaces rather than hotels with slides and ladders - amazing.

I am sure you will all agree they have done a superb job and these hotels will look incredible in their new home very soon.

Thank you Whitehouse Primary School.

We will see you in November when we meet again to start the outside classroom.


Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

We'd just like to provide an update on the progress of our work off Beach Road. We had planned to complete the work by the end of October 2019, however due to the inclement weather and ground conditions we've experienced this year, we now expect to finish by 20 December 2019.

What will happen next?

- over the next 8 weeks the site team will continue planting the planned trees and shrubs

- the paths will be reopened

- we will remove the site compound completely by Christmas

- the fencing around the basins will remain in place over the winter

- we will return in Sprin 2020 when the weather is more favourable to complete the reinstatements

We will be in touch before returning to let you know exactly when work will start again.

We've been out and about lately delivering a letter to those close to the work. A copy of the letter we have recently delivered can be found here.

Please accept our apologies for the incovenience caused.



Update by Simon Bright


We've had a few set backs with the recent bad weather as the ground is saturated and very slow to dry out. We are limited to certain tasks until we can get areas dried out, however, we are concentrating on jobs we can still do. Various sections of fencing has been removed this week around the site and tree planting is booked in. 


Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

I just thought it may be nice to share our exciting partnership with Whitehouse Primary School.  I visited the Head Mistress again last week and we are very excited about our plans over the next month or so.  Our team will be working with both the teachers and pupils in creating an outside space for the children to enjoy.  Although our work depends on how kind the weather is to us all.

Rachel Woods and her colleagues have welcomed me on numerous occassions into the school.  It is such a warm and welcoming environment, and we look forward to spending time with you all in the upcoming weeks.

Have a lovely weekend.


Update by Simon Bright


Again, hampered by the rain this week. The wet ground conditions are not making progress easy, however, we are still progressing with the basins into the compound area. The final drainage connection into Whitehouse Primary school will be done this weekend, so we'll be progressing onto installing topsoil in that area next week depending on the weather conditions.


Update by Simon Bright


We've been hampered slightly by the rain this week. On the South side of Beach Road, the topsoiling is all complete, it just needs the final cultivation and planting. The area next to Whitehouse primary school is now taking shape as we are tidying up and starting topsoil there.

We did plan to start the earthworks to the basins this week, but due to the rain it was not practical as there is not an outlet for the water yet. The GPS machinery has been calibrated ready to start the earthworks on Monday.


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