"Good Morning”
Following on from from Paul's blog last week, I just wanted you all to know the.... “end is in sight!!!”
I am sure you will have already recognised a noticeable change in the town……yes its’ pretty clear working last weekend proved to be worthwhile as we are now in the process of reinstating our working areas.
Paul’s last blog stated we would make every effort to remove all the traffic management by Friday 7th April and I’m pleased to say we have exceeded that as John and his team have pushed on and now the work is complete.
With that in mind from around 2pm today the pedestrian crossing by Morrisons will be re-opened; simultaneously we will be removing all the traffic management, machinery/signage and fencing etc, so by rush hour this evening everything should be fully operational and back to normal.
As you know our work was necessary to increase the network capacity in line with the residential development in and around Morpeth.
We recognise our presence has been disruptive but we truly hope it hasn’t been too much of an inconvenience during these essential works.
It just remains for me to say…to the residents, motorists and visitors of this lovely historic town, a massive THANK YOU for your patience, understanding and co-operation during these works and we will now leave you to enjoy your beautiful town.
Should you have further questions about our work please do not hesitate to contact us we would love to hear from you.
Thank you Morpeth!
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