
Johnson Street, Gateshead

Johnson Street Gateshead - Overflow Screening Northumbrian Water is looking to improve the resilience and enhance the performance of the sewer network in the Gateshead catchment.

Project updates

Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Next week the site team will be carrying out permanent resurfacing works to Abbeyfield - Johnson Street and Yetholme Road areas.  And some additional works to install a new tarmac footpath at the bottom of Johnson St/Yetholme with our contract partner.  The traffic management will still be required once completed, to continue underground works in the shafts.

Alongside this there will be fabrication works to carry out underground.  This work may lead to increased noise level, which our site team will mitigate and monitor as the works progress.

The footpath at Johnson Street junction of Abbeyfield will be fully re-opened by the bank holiday weekend.  The grass verge will need to be topsoiled and seeded, but will need time for nature to takes its course, we would estimate a year for regrowth.

The site team have sent over some photos which are;

  • Reinstatement of the compound areas for the football pitches to be dressed in again
  • The installation of a stock fence to the boundary area and removed around 300 metres of fencing to reveal the area back to condition of where we started

The team are still to install topsoil and seed to the football areas but wanted to reduce our working area wherever possible.

Our customers will see Esh Stantec start to reduce our site as we get closer to the end of our works.  This week will see the removal of the high rise cabins.  The team will only be using ground level cabins until we leave site.

Have a lovely weekend.



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

We want to assure our customers that we are aware of the faint odour in the area near our works.  The site team are working hard to mitigate this issue, however this is linked to the tidal influence on the river and as such we have limited control over the situation.

We would like to thank everyone for their continued, patience and support whilst we complete our final stage of our work.  The site team remain on programme for completion in September 2021.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Sorry it has been so long but please see below the update from our site team.

  • The team are currently looking to start reinstating the work areas adjacent to the football pitches with topsoil and then remove hoarding in parts for preparation of final dressing and seeding
  • Works are still ongoing in main compound area but we have reduced the floor size of this area dramatically and are also constructing the new service road within the site to the new CSO
  • All deep shafts now have covers, reducing odours and effect on the local environment

Looking ahead we will be working on Johnson Street and Abbeyfield Junctions with traffic managements in place, however a considerable amount of work will be carried out underground so although you might not see us, please be assured that we are there.   This will then allow us to look to commence permanent reinstatements to the highway areas towards the back end of August . This may cause an increase in noise levels however we will as ever, try our best to minimise this issue.

Have a lovely weekend.


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Update by Ian Davison


I hope you all continue to remain well, below is a short progress update for your perusal

Another key milestone within the project was reached last week, flows were successfully turned back down the Tyneside interceptor system allowing the site team to commence the decommissioning of the temporary pumping station. The temporary pumping station has been controlling the catchment flow allowing Esh to construct the new screening chamber on this strategic asset off line in dry conditions. The old kiosk has been electrically disconnected and will be removed when the junction is reinstated. An over-pumping arrangement has been re-established within the existing CSO on Johnson Street the road closure will remain in place until the second week in August, we appreciate your patience and understanding during this phase of the works.

The weir walls within the new screening structure are complete, control valves have been fitted and the cover slab installed. Preparation is underway to establish the plinth for the new kiosk within which the electrical control equipment will be housed and work has commenced on the track for future maintenance access.

The project remains on programme and we continue to plan for a September completion, have a great week.


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Update by Ian Davison


Hope you have all enjoyed the fantastic weather over the weekend, below is a short progress update for your perusal.

Work on the CSO structure within the playing fields is progressing well. Esh/Stantec are preparing to cast the interceptor tunnel entry, reinforcement is being fixed and the pipe barrel shutter is ready for casting the concrete early this week. The overflow weir walls have been cast ready to accept the new mechanical screen and the cover slab was fitted on Thursday.

The Johnson Street road closure was re-established last week Esh are currently working on the reconstruction of the over pumping manhole before moving onto the junction reinstatement. I thank you again for your understanding while we carry out this phase of the project .

The project remains on programme and we plan to demobilise the site in September on completion.

Have a great week


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Update by Ian Davison


I hope you are well and have enjoyed the sunny weather over the Bank Holiday weekend. The site team have been making excellent progress and we remain on programme with the works due to be complete September 2021.

You will have received a letter from our contract Esh Stantec confirming that, as mentioned previously, to switch the flows back into the inceptor decommission the temporary pumping station and fully reinstate the junction back to it’s original alignment it will be necessary to close Johnson Street. This closure is planned to commence on the 7th June and will last up to 10 weeks, the traffic management and diversion route will be a duplication of arrangements for the initial closure earlier in the project.

I would like to thank you in advance for your patience while we carry out this phase of the project, every effort will be made to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind Regards,


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Update by Becky Gartland

Good afternoon all, 

I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself as you may see me around on site next week so feel free to come and say hello. 

My name is Becky Gartland and I am the Customer Liason Officer for Esh-Stantec, I work closely with Christine Taylor the Customer Service Manager and can be contacted in relation to any queries on the works in your area. 

In the meantime I thought I'd share with you a couple of progress images showing the Weir Wall within the new Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) 






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Update by Ian Davison

Good Morning

Hope you have had a great weekend enjoying this good spell of weather, let’s hope it lasts.

I have been talking with the site team discussing the progress we are making onsite. We have just reached a key milestone in the project, all of the concrete channel has been removed from the interceptor sewer between the new shaft in the playing fields and the existing chamber on the junction of Johnson Street with Derwentwater Road. The lining of the sewer is just about complete which will allow the work commence in the shaft in the playing fields preparing it to accept the new mechanical screens. Through the efforts of the contractor we remain on programme working towards completion in September 21. For the short term our works will remain contained within the compound.

As we have mentioned previously to switch the flows back into the inceptor and decommission the temporary pumping station it will be necessary to close Johnson Street with the same access arrangements as earlier in the project. This closure is planned to commence mid-May and will last up to 8 weeks, as part of this closure the junction will be fully reinstated. We will write to the customers directly affected by the closure in due course.

Here are some photos from inside the tunnel as you can see the channel has gone, increasing the pipeline capacity, with sewer lined in reparation to accept the storm flows.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch by posting them and we will be pleased to get back to you.

Many Thanks


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

I have caught up with Scott Jackson our Project Manager this morning.  The site team were working over the weekend to carry out some key activities.

Our works currently are contained in our compound, so you may not of seen any of our guys around.  I am aware that Northern Gas Networks are also working in the area, this is not connected to our work.

Scott has sent me some photo's to share with you.  The team are working in the existing sewer, which is being increased in size to create more capacity, removing a channel to full width pipe.  The pipe is 1.5 metres in height, and approximately 104 metres in length.  The sewer is a combined sewer, which contains both waste and surface water  This section of sewer should be completed in by the end of April. 

Our team will continue with other works in the area.  We will aim to provide a further update in the next few weeks.   As always feel free to post any questions and we be pleased to answer them.

Take care.



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Sorry to have been a stranger, these are crazy times.  However our guys have been working behind the scenes within the compound.  I caught up with the project team yesterday and they are keen to show our customers what they have been up to.  I was aiming to do this today, but they are super busy today and tomorrow.  With this in mind, I will post some photos and an update early next week.

Although if you have any questions, please feel free to post them on here and I will ensure they are answered.

Have a lovely weekend and hopefully the sun will make an appearance.



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