
Johnson Street, Gateshead

Johnson Street Gateshead - Overflow Screening Northumbrian Water is looking to improve the resilience and enhance the performance of the sewer network in the Gateshead catchment.

Project updates

Update by Becky Gartland

Good morning and Happy New Year to you all!

Just a quick update to let you all know that we will be carrying out some minor tarmac remedial works on Johnson Street tomorrow. Residential access will be maintained throughout with the use of trafffic management stop and go signs.

Thank you 


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Update by Becky Gartland

Good afternoon,

We wanted to take this opportunity to wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2021.  We would also like to thank you all for your patience and understanding whilst we have carried out our works, thank you for being amazing!

The Customer Team are taking time off to be with their loved ones over Christmas along with the site teams who will be finishing on Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to return to work on Monday 4th January 2021. 

If you have any concerns over the Christmas and New Year period please contact us by commenting on this post or alternatively calling 0345 717 1100.

Merry Christmas to you all, stay safe and be kind!


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Update by Ian Davison

Hi All

Just a quick update to apologise for the slight delay in reopening Johnson Street. We have been experiencing supplier issues and as a result are running a little behind programme. I have been in touch with the site team who have confirmed that tarmac reinstatement will be a two stage process and we are now planning to have the road re-opened no later than 11th December. The surfacing will be temporary and as previously mentioned we will have to close the road again for up to one month in the late summer of 2021 to remove the temporary works within the recently constructed shafts and to reinstate / re-establish the highway layout at the Derwentwater Road junction.

Over the coming months our work will be focused in the playing fields, we are currently working on the removal of concrete from the sewer between Johnson Street and the new shaft within the playing fields. I have attached some photos showing the concrete removal and the ongoing reinstatement works around the Johnson Street shafts.

We will provide a pre-Christmas update, but please contact us via our Community Portal if you have any comments or questions.

Kind Regards


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Our site team have been in touch to provide an update of upcoming work.  Tomorrow we will have a crane working on Johnson Street, near to the junction of Abbeyfield Close.  The crane is required to install the new cover slab on the chamber.  To ensure the safety of the public and our customers, stop and go boards will be in operation.  The work is due to start around 9am in the morning and should be finished by 4pm.

As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Stay safe 



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

It has been a while since our last update, for which I would like to apologise.  I have been in touch with the site team, who have provided a brief update.

The programme of works is currently on target to be completed late summer 2021.  Our project team have put in place measures to reduce both the odour and noise concerns in Johnson Street, which include acoustic barriers and the temporary cover shown in photo to reduce odour. 

The good news is we are planning to temporarily re-open Johnson Street in November.   Although it will be closed again early Spring, this does mean the road will be open over the Christmas period.  We will continue to update our portal with traffic management updates.

Enjoy the rest of your week.



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Our site team have noticed a water leak at the top of Yetholm Road, which junction on Team Street.  We have notified Northumbrian Water.

The leak is not connected to our works in the area.  We will provide an uppdate when we have any information.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Myself and Ian Davison wanted to provide an update on the fire last friday.  We are carrying out a thorough investigation, the initial report suggests an electrical thermostat failure.

The generator had recently been serviced, and no defects were reported.  This information has been passed over to the company, whom we hire our generators from.

We await an incident report from Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade.

Both the project and the site team, would like to thank everyone for their concern during the incident and understanding whilst we dealt with the fire.

Have a lovely weekend.

Christine and Ian

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Update by Christine Taylor


We are aware that one of our generators on site has caught fire, the incident is under control.  The fire brigade are on site and no one has been harmed.  

This incident will be fully investigated.  We will update our cusotmers next week.

Please contact me or Ian Davison if you have any concerns.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning, 

Its holiday season, so that explains the weather???

Where has that sun disappeared to?

Dave from site, who most of you will have met, has provided me with an update.

Dave has advised they have made good progress with the tunnelling, our contract partner Active Tunnelling have completed the external shell of the shaft in Johnson Street/Yetholm Road.  They have also removed most of their equipment from site.  Our work is still ongoing.  The team are planning to complete the shaft internal set up and then install the large concrete cover and to enable them to reinstate the road.

Have a lovely week, and we will aim to provide a further update at the end of the week.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Not the best start to the week with the damp weather, however I have been promised sunshine later in the week.  Fingers crossed!

The site team have advised me that they will be working late again this week to allow working with the tidal times.  They expect to be working anytime up to 8pm every night, but we will keep you informed as the week progresses.

As always, please let us know if you have any concerns or simply want to discuss our works by commenting on this post or calling on 03457 171100.

Have a great week.


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