
Johnson Street, Gateshead

Johnson Street Gateshead - Overflow Screening Northumbrian Water is looking to improve the resilience and enhance the performance of the sewer network in the Gateshead catchment.

Project updates

Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

The team have provided an update for me to share with all our cusotmers.

After completing our recent stage of works an 1800mm drive from the football pitch onto the work area at the bottom of Johnson Street, we had the task of withdrawing the tunnelling machine. This had to be carried out with tidal times Affecting our work hours.

Luckily the machine was lifted out and placed above ground with an 80 tonne mobile crane, and then onto a standing HGV lorry, with great success all parties were completed works by 18.00, 3 hours ahead of our deadline.

We now are sealing tunnels and shafts, removing other hydraulic and critical parts

Thank you to the site team for the update and the attached photo's.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Our team who are working at the junction of Johnson Street and Yetholm Road will be working later, up to 9pm, over the next 3 days. The reason for this, is the work is dependant on the tide.  Our works are non-intrusive.

If any residents have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me on 03457 171100.

Thank you


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend, even though the weather wasn't great?

Our site team understand that the work they are carrying out impacts on our customers.  To try and minimise this impact this week they are changing the site fencing to solid panels and fitting acoustic matting within the excavation.  We hope this will reduce levels of both noise and vibration.  Our project team understand our customers may feel the vibration from our works, we would like to take this opportunity to reassure residents, I have copied over the information provided by Ian Davison (Project Manager) on a previous post.

British Standards give guidance on the level of vibration above which building can suffer cosmetic or structural damage. There is a significant difference between feeling the vibration and the onset of levels of vibration that will cause damage. Although we understand that our customer would become concerned when they suddenly feel vibrations in their home. I would like to try and provide some guidance to put your mind at ease.

For residential buildings, the standard states that for cosmetic damage (cracking in plaster work etc.) is likely to occur when the peak particle velocity exceeds 15 mm/s. This Standard recommends that a conservative threshold for cosmetic damage should be taken as a peak particle velocity of 10 mm/s. The monitors installed onsite have been set to alarm at 10mm/s should they alarm proactive intervention will be taken by the site team.

As our work progresses the team will be lifting the cover slab on site.  This may mean that customers will experience intermittent odours in the air, please do not be concerned.  If you wish to discuss this please contact me via this portal or on 03457 171100.

Thank you all once again for your patience and understanding.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

I have spoken to the site team and they have confirmed that the road widening has now been completed at the junction of Abbeyfield Close.  All residents will now be accessing Abbeyfield Close direct from Derwentwater Road, not Johnson Street.

As our work continues we will aim to keep this community portal updated. 

Have a lovely weekend.



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Following my visit this week to deliver letters regarding the closure of the junction of Derwentwater Road.  The junction will be closed from the 8 June 2020 for approximately 18 months.  Intially residents of Abbeyfield Close will need to access from Johnson Street until the road is widened, then they will access via Derwentside Water.  This will take 2 weeks.  Johnson Street residents will need to follow the diversions in place as of Monday.

We also thought it would be great to show our customers what is behind our fencing. Our site team has completed the first section of the tunnel, which can be seen in the attached photographs.  The sewerage network has also been adjusted to allow for the next section of tunnel.  As mentioned, next week we will also start working at the junction of Derwentwater Road with Johnson Street, where we will be widening the road and making adjustments to the existing shaft over the following months.

In other areas, we are starting works on the riverside at The Staithes to construct a new asset on the riverwall.  Our team will also be carrying out some pathway work on the turning circle on Abbeyfield Close.

As always, if anyone would like to discuss our works further please contact us direct.

Have a lovely week.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

I hope everyone enjoyed the bank holiday weekend?

Like everyone else, I was extremely grateful to see the sun out in all its glory on Saturday.  Did anyone have a VE celebration in the street?

We are back to work today and the guys will continue to work within the regulation of safe distancing.  The guys have provided some photos of the site I wanted to share.

As always, please contact us direct if you have any concerns or questions, by commenting on here or emailing,

Thank you


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

You may have noticed some activity yesterday morning.  The team were quite excited to have a visit from Tyne Tees News team.

Tyne Tees were interested in local key workers within the utility industry.  And our site was chosen, how proud are we?

Did you see the full interview last night on the local news.  One of our team managed to make a guest appearance.  I am sure you will all agree Mac Woodley did amazing!?

Mac will be available for autographs after lockdown and social distancing has been lifted 😊

Well done team.

Stay safe


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Sorry for the delayed update following our letter of notification of works starting today.

Everyone will have received a letter from Ian Davison, Project Manager, of works starting today at the junction os Yetholm and Johnson Street.  We have spoken to a few residents regarding concerns about the noise and vibration. There will be an increase in both noise and vibration, and we appreciate that a high proportion of residents are now working from home due to lockdown.  As Ian have previously offered, if you would like to discuss this work we are available on the phone, please call 0345 717 1100.

Our team will continue to monitor the vibration.  I have taken an extract from a previous post from Ian to explain the vibration:

British Standards give guidance on the level of vibration above which building can suffer cosmetic or structural damage. There is a significant difference between feeling the vibration and the onset of levels of vibration that will cause damage. Although we understand that our customer would become concerned when they suddenly feel vibrations in their home. I would like to try and provide some guidance to put your mind at ease.

For residential buildings, the standard states that for cosmetic damage (cracking in plaster work etc.) is likely to occur when the peak particle velocity exceeds 15 mm/s. This Standard recommends that a conservative threshold for cosmetic damage should be taken as a peak particle velocity of 10 mm/s. The monitors installed onsite have been set to alarm at 10mm/s should they alarm proactive intervention will be taken by the site team.

Scott, our stie manager has sent over photo's of the new machine on site, which we are all quite excited about. Tunnelling machines are normally given a name but due to lockdown this one is nameless.

Can I ask our local children to get involved and send me some suggestions for a name please.  I will organise a prize once lockdown is lifted for the winner.

Stay safe everyone, and feel free to get in touch if you have any quieries, by commenting on here or emailing me direct on



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Update by Ian Davison

Good Morning,


I hope you all remain well.


As you know, we are carrying out works in the area as part of an essential investment crucial to providing reliable wastewater service, and protect the environment, now and into the future.

The work in the playing fields has been progressing well, in the coming weeks it will be necessary to close Johnson Street / Yetholm Road to clear the location of a proposed manhole of utilities in advance of its construction.

We are closely following all of the latest government guidance and NHS advice and currently, the construction phase of this work is scheduled begin on Tuesday 14 April. During this time, the road will be closed to through-traffic for five weeks, although vehicular and pedestrian access will be maintained for residents.


We had discussed holding a customer information event with residents in order for them to find out more and feedback on the work we were planning. However in light of the current situation and advice, we are now offering customers telephone appointments with the Project Manager as an alternative should they wish to find out more.


We are issuing a letter to residents in the area this week, which is likely to land on doorsteps on Friday. I have attached a plan of work for your information.


As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Kind regards




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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi Everyone

This weekend you may notice activity within our working area. We need to complete some preparatory works prior to the start of the construction of a manhole next week. We intend to complete this work between 08:00 and 15:30 on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 March 2020. We don't anticipate any significant inconvenience to the local area, but if you have any questions, Esh-Stantec's Customer Service Manager Christine Taylor will be available over the weekend. You can contact by either adding a comment to this update or calling Northumbrian Water on 03457171100.

Have a great weekend


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