
Johnson Street, Gateshead

Johnson Street Gateshead - Overflow Screening Northumbrian Water is looking to improve the resilience and enhance the performance of the sewer network in the Gateshead catchment.

Project updates

Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

Just an update following our progress meeting today at the office.

As Ian has stated in his comment earlier this week, we are discussing the options for maintaining pedestrian access.  Our site team have taken away some options and will come back to us soon regarding the outcome.  When we have a decision, I will notify customers in the immediate area by letter, and also post an update on this portal.  We should have this information next week.

On another note, whilst the guys have been on site they have carried out various litter picks of historical litter around the boundary.  They wouldn't allow a picture as they are private people but we managed to get one!

Finally the traffic management on Derwentwater Road will now be in place until the 20 March 2020.  Once again we apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

I hope everyone is ready for the weekend? 

Apparently it's going to be cold, so we all need to wrap up and keep warm.

Our site team have been extremely busy this week as you may have seen if you have walked near to the site.  The traffic lights are still in place on Derwentwater Road, whilst we are preparing our new site access.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this, these will be removed once our works are complete.  An update will be provided next week.

As always if you would like to discuss our works in further detail, please contact us via this portal or on 03457171100.

Have a great weekend.



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Update by Christine Taylor

Good afternoon,

You will have noticed that we have installed two way traffic lights on Derwentside Road last week.  We expect these to be in place until the 12 March 2020 to allow us to carry out the works.  We have provided safe crossing points for pedestrians and we ask that customers use these when in the area.

Thank you


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

We have a recent addition to our team who would like very much to be introduced to our customers.

Mark Nicholson is our Contracts Manager for the scheme working for Esh/Stantec. Mark will oversee the site team and works on site, working closey with Scott Jackson our Project Manager.  He also meets with Ian Davison from Northumbrian Water to discuss our progress and any challenges that may arise.

Mark is often on site and happy to speak to customers, as are all our site team.

Happy Valentines Day and have a great weekend.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

I apologise for the delay in providing an update.

The site team have been in contact and provided an update of what they have been up to over the last couple of weeks.

  • They have installed a stone haul road on site through the football fields behind Powerleague to form access through the site to the works area.
  • As you can see from the traffic update information the public footpath/track is closed between Abbeyfield Close and Ropery Road.  We would ask all members of the public to follow the diversion signs for the alternative route.
  • We have also repositioned one football pitch so that it can still be used while the works are being carried out, access to the pitch is through the pedestrian gate adjacent to Powerleague.

Tony Birkett, our Customer Liaison Officer, has visited site yesterday following notification from Northern Power Grid.  They are attending site today to carry out a connection to our new site.  The works will be at the end of Abbeyfield Close near to parking area/turning circle, in the footpath and into the road.  My team have been and delivered letters to the close, advising of the works.

As always, if anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me direct on here or using the contact us button.

We appreciate your patience whislt we carry out our works.


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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Following our communication before Christmas, you will have seen over the last two weeks we are now on site.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to introduce our team, who will be working in your area.  All of our team are here to help, if you have any questions feel free to approach any of us. 

My name is Christine Taylor, I am the Customer Service Manager for Esh Stantec, the supply partner carrying out the work for Northumbrian Water.  Some of you will have spoken to me and Ian Davison, the Project Manager from Northumbrian Water last year. 

Tony Birkett, my Community Liason officer met many of you in December when he was on site informing residents of our upcoming work.  He will be on site regularly, and is there to keep our customers up to date with our progress.  Our Project Manager on site is Scott Jackson, Scott has worked within the industry for many years, and is extremely experienced.  Scott will be walking the site on a daily basis, and is happy to be approached for any information.

If anyone would like to speak to us regarding the works, myself and Ian Davison will be happy to come and meet you.  Please contact Northumbrian Water on 03457171100 to arrange an appointment or alternatively contact us via this community portal.

Throughout the scheme we will be updating this portal with our progress.

I will be in touch very soon with our progress.


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Update by Ian Davison

Hi all

Apologies it’s been some time since I last posted an update. You will have received a letter in the last week or so giving notification that our contractor will be back onsite to commence enabling works in the playing fields from the 4th November. We anticipate being onsite for up to four weeks.

The enabling work will consist establishing the site access off Derwentwater Road to ensure that when the main works commence we get off to a flying start. It is likely that asset protection works will be required on the 3rd party utilities that are located under the access track, this will protect them from damage when being trafficked by construction plant.

Copies of the Notification letter and schematic are posted on the Planned Works tab.

The main works will follow and are planned to commence in January 2020, we will be in touch later in the year with more information regarding these works. I would like to thank you in advance for your patience while we carry out this phase of the project, every effort will be made to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.


If you require any further information or advice please contact our Customer Centre on 0345 717 1100 or visit to request a call back from the project team.

Kind Regards


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Update by Ian Davison


Just a quick update on the ongoing site investigation works. The trial holes and boreholes in the playing field are complete.  Borehole 11 is located in the grass verge at the junction of Johnson Street with Yetholm Road and is planned week commencing 2nd September. Once underway it should be complete within 3 days, there will be minimal disruption and we will do everything we can to minimise any inconvenience caused by this work.

The plan posted on the "Planned Work Tab" shows the location of these works





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Update by Ian Davison

Hi, I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend, what a sizzling week it has been.

I posted out an update in June attaching a revised schematic drawing explaining that further site information had resulted in a change to the initial proposal. See Planned Works tab, for a copy of the letter and the drawing.

As you can see we propose a shaft in the North East corner of the playing fields, the engineering team need to gather ground and utility information in this vicinity. Our contractor (Esh) will be back onsite week commencing the 5th August excavating trial holes to establish the location and level of existing services in this vicinity. The work will involve shrub clearance and hand excavation of shallow inspection trenches to expose and record buried utility cables and pipelines.

This will be followed by geotechnical ground investigation we have two boreholes planned one in the north east corner of the site and one on the verge at the junction of Johnson Street with Yetholm Road. The geotechnical investigation which will allow the engineering team to assess the ground conditions within which the new shafts and tunnelled sewer is proposed. This work may take up to 15 working days. There will be minimal disruption and we will do everything we can to minimise any inconvenience caused by this work.



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Update by Ian Davison


I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend.

Just a quick note to advise that our contractor will be back onsite next week excavating trial holes to establish the location and level of existing services in the vicinity of the proposed work. This work will involve the hand excavation of shallow inspection trenches within the playing field to expose and record buried utility cables and pipelines. The location of the trial holes are show on the ground investigation plan posted on the planned works tab.

This work is planned to commence on Wednesday 15th and may take up to 7 working days, within this period we will also be undertaking a geotechnical investigation which will allow the engineering team to assess the ground conditions within which the new sewer and chambers are proposed. Once we are on site our site team will contact you if you are going to be directly affected by our work. We will do everything we can to minimise any inconvenience caused by this and will make sure that the work is carried out safely. Upon completion the land will be reinstated back to the original condition

Kind Regards


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