The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.



We are investing £8 million to improve the performance of our sewer network in the Roker, Seaburn, Fulwell and St Peter's areas of Sunderland and Cleadon in South Tyneside.

Project updates

Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Good morning everyone,

As Christine stated In her earlier post, winter is well and truly on its way now, we have endured some awful weather this week, but I suppose to be expected though for the time of year.

With reference to our work areas, Ocean Park, Boldon Flats, and Morrison's, we have continued to make progress all round, although a little slower than anticipated, all areas are very wet, which makes progress a bit more difficult.

Next week we are commencing the construction of the under ground Attenuation Tank at Ocean Park, with deliveries of the Pre Cast concrete units now leaving the factory in Ireland, first delivery to arrive on site Tuesday 15th.

Boldon Flats and Morrison,s sections of work to continue next week.

Not many photos for you this week, as there has not been a significant change to the work areas.

I myself, am off to bonny Scotland, Edinburgh this weekend for a short break to visit the Underground City, thermals already packed.

Hope you all have a good weekend.






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Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

Winter has arrived!

I thought I would share my snow photos from this morning when I walked the dog, has anyone else had snow overnight?

Stay safe and drive carefully


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Update by Christine Taylor


Residents in the area of Roker Park Road and Glen Thorpe Avenue were advised on the 2 November 2016 that traffic management would be in place tomorrow. Due to unforeseen circumstances this work has now been delayed until Monday 14 November 2016.

A letter will be hand delivered today to all customers that will be impacted by this change of date.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may of caused. Please email the site team if there are any issues on or call into the customer centre.

Thanks for your cooperation


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Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi all,

An update of this week for you as follows:-

Ocean Park

We have this week installed, and completed the concrete blinding operations to the Attenuation Tank base.

We expect to commence the construction of the new Attenuation Tank week commencing 14th November 16 with our first delivery of the Pre Cast Concrete units Tuesday 15th November 16

Boldon Flats

We are continuing to progress further up the farmers field from Cut Throat Dene towards Boldon Flats with the installation of the new 450 diameter surface water drainage network, works will continue next week.


We continue to progress with the new surface water drainage network in front of Shore Amusement Arcade and reinstating the block pavers to allow access as much as practically possible, works are to continue next week.

Hope you all enjoy your last evening of the illuminations and fire work display tomorrow night.

Catch up with you next week.


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Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi all,

A quick update for you regards this weeks progress:-

Ocean Park

Once again, due to the good weather this week we have made good progress on the proposed Attenuation Tank base, we have installed stone to formation and design levels.

Next week, we are going to install concrete blinding to the base, in preparation for the delivery of the Attenuation Tank precast concrete units.

We have also installed some bark chippings to the perimeter of our site compound fencing to form a footway for the general public and dog walkers, as photos attached.

Boldon Flats

Works are also progressing very well with the installation of the new drainage network from Cut Throat Dene towards Boldon Flats, works will continue over the forth coming weeks.


We have this week, reinstated with block pavers, our first section of drainage works, also moved our temporary works fencing North from Martino's Restaurant  in front of Shore Amusements , we shall continue with the excavation and installation of the new drainage network next week.

Please be advised that all businesses are open as usual, although with restricted access to Shore amusements.

Have a nice weekend


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Update by Scott Jackson

Hi all,

Just an update on current construction activities going on at St Peters & Roker areas of the scheme.


St Peters

Temporary works are currently being installed in the form of 12m long steel pile sheets. The pile sheets are installed using a 65ton piling rig, which vibrates/pushes the piles into the ground. Once in the ground, a box like protective shell is created to act as a safe working area to allow further construction activities below ground. Piling will continue the remainder of this week and most of next. Please be aware that transportation of some large plant to and from the site at St Peters will be done outside of normal working hours with the permission from Sunderland City Council.



Drainage works are in progress around Laburnum Road & Cromarty Street areas. At Laburnum, works have now expanded into Primrose Cottages. These works are expected to last approximately 1 week, before moving into Primrose Crescent. At Cromarty Street, installation of a new 300mm dia drainage system has now began.


Can I also remind everyone that we have a Customer Information Centre at our main compound on Roker Baths Road. Please feel free to visit between 9am & 4pm Mon-Fri and myself or a member of our team will answer any queries.




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Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi everyone,

A further update for this week as follows:-

Ocean Park

We are currently progressing very well with preparation of the Attenuation tank, this week we have been completing the bulk excavation after the removal of the existing brick culvert .

Next week we plan to excavate the remainder of the existing stone from the proposed tank location to the final reduced level, followed by the installation of concrete blinding works in preparation of the planed delivery of pre cast concrete units.

Boldon Flats

Once again this section of our works is progressing quite well with the excavation and installation of the the new drainage network working from Cut Throat Dene towards Boldon Flats.

We have also this week installed our temporary site compound set up on Moor Lane within the farmers field as part of the drainage continuation.


We have installed the new drainage network and manholes in front of Martino's up to the corner of the amusement arcade.

Next week simultaneously to commencing our second section of drainage works in front of the amusement arcade, we are going to reinstate our first section by re laying the block paved footpath with the existing block pavers, this will hopefully maintain as much access as possible to the affected businesses.

Catch up with you next week, and have a good weekend.



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Update by Paul Jones

Hi all,

I'm Paul, the Site Agent with Steve Boyd on the Ocean park Section of the project.

We apologize for a incident which occcured on site this morning where as our large 360 degree excavator was loading our wagons with concrete from the existing culvert creating noise and vibration.  Our machine operator was attempting to break up the large sections of concrete prior to loading the wagons, inadvertently causing shock waves through the ground.

Following a complaint from a local resident, we then ceased the operation and instructed the machine operative he had to just load the wagons with the material without breaking it up, obviously there is a noise element with this operation but without further vibration.

Once again we apologize for any inconvenience caused.


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Update by Christine Taylor


As you will of seen we have set up a working area on Whitburn road outsite the Shore amusements, Betty Fish & Chip and Martinos Restaurant.  We would like to reassure you all that these businesses are still open and are welcoming customers through their doors.

On another note, has everyone enjoyed the illuminations?



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Update by Scott Jackson

Hi All,

Following on from Tony's update yesterday I thought it worth a quick reminder of what my team are up to on site.

Sutherland Street was reopened on Friday 14/10/16. Cromarty Street is now the focal point of our works, with numerous closures on Cromarty and the surrounding streets. Works are expected to last for around 10 weeks. Diversions are in place for both traffic and pedestrians.

At the Laburnum Road area, works are progressing into the highways this week. Mainly the back lanes to both Laburnum Road & Primrose Crescent will be affected. Next week works will move into Primrose Cottages.



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