The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.



We are investing £8 million to improve the performance of our sewer network in the Roker, Seaburn, Fulwell and St Peter's areas of Sunderland and Cleadon in South Tyneside.

Project updates

Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi everyone,

This weeks progress update for you as follows:-

Ocean Park

We have this week, once again made very good progress with the construction of the under ground Attenuation Tank, we have completed the installation of the roof slabs to the second third of the tank as well as installing the concrete roof screed with the aid of a concrete mobile pump (See photos attached)

Works will continue next week, with the planned installation of the remainder of the tank perimeter walls, followed by the installation of the last third of the Attenuation Tank concrete base.


Boldon Flats

We have continued with the installation of the new drainage network in the farmers fields from Cut Throat Dene up towards Boldon Flats, although due to the recent spell of wet weather progress has been a little slower than anticipated.

Works will continue into next week



The new 450 diameter drainage network is now complete, and we are currently reinstating the block pavers, with a view of clearing and tidying up the area by the end of next week (Photos attached)


Please note we are to shut down the site from Friday 23rd December 16 for the Christmas holiday break, our return date will be Monday 9th January 2017.


Have a nice weekend




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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hello Everyone

Work continues in Glen Thorpe Avenue and as we near the end of the work in that road, we need to temporarily work a little further back up the road. We will need to do some work in the gullies a little East of the current fencing so will need to move some fencing for a day or two starting tomorrow(Thursday 15 December 2016). We will try to cause as little inconvenience to residents as possible but may need to ask you to move cars if they are in the area we need to work in. We thank you for you ongoing patience and understanding.



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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi all

I was out yesterday trying to pass on information to local residents. As you know we are working in Laburnum Road. We started last week in the lane opposite Montague Street and managed to contain the work to the lane. From tomorrow we will be moving out from the lane to the manhole in the middle of Laburnum Road, which means we will close the road at this point. We close down for Christmas from 23 December 2016 to 9 January 2017 so will reopen the road during this period. We'll then return and complete the work.

We'll work as quickly as we can to get the job done to our usual high standards.



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Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi everyone,

Here is our latest update, as follows:-

Ocean Park

This week we have installed the second section of the Tank base slab, as well as installing the internal wall units, and we are currently lifting in place with a 200 ton crane, the roof slab sections on the first 2 thirds of the Tank (See attached photos)

Boldon Flats

We are still, and currently working towards Boldon Flats from Cut Throat Dene with the installation of the new 375 diameter drainage network, works will continue into next week.


This week have installed the drainage Up to the existing tie in manhole, and made the connection, also turned the flows into the new drainage network system, which connects into the culverted watercourse adjacent to Martino's

Works will continue next week with the replacement of the block pavers.

Have a good weekend,




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Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi all

One of our customers took this footage, we could not be more pleased! 

Let us know what you think


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Update by Scott Jackson

Hi All,

NPG (Northern Power Grid) are currently carrying out emergency works to their network on Roker Baths Road. These works are unrelated to ESH/MWH or Northumbrian Water.

After speaking with the lads on site they expect the works to be complete on Friday 9/12/16.





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Update by Anthony Birkett

HI All

I've been out around Glen Thorpe Avenue this afternoon trying to inform local residents of the next stage of work this week. On Thursday 6 December 2016 we will move the working area a little further up the road and will completely close the junction with Glen Thorpe Avenue, Glenthorne Road and Park Lea Road. We will work as quickly as we can and should have the work completed within a week. If this causes any issues with anyone please get in touch and we will try to help where we can.



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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi all

I've been in Sunderland this morning trying to inform residents who will be affected by the work we start next week. We indicated in our letter dated 19 September 2016 that we would need to close Laburnum Road and estimated that it would be about 15 December 2016. We're actually ahead of schedule so plan on starting this work on Wednesday 7 December 2016. The work will involve closing the lane as shown in the attached plan, but we should now be able to maintain access to Laburnum Road Initially. We will need to work in the road at some point in the near future but will inform you when the road will need to be closed. All together, the work should take about 7 weeks, although we will ensure that is it opened up for 2 weeks over Christmas from 23 December 2016. There will be alternative routes to Fulwell Road available.

Have a great weekend


Road closure plan

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Update by Anthony Birkett

Hi all

As you know there is a rolling road closure in place along Cromarty Street. We are planning to move the fencing along to do the last stretch of Cromarty Street on Thursday 8 December 2016. The working are will go from Inverness Street to Forfar Street. We will be able to maintain access to Cromarty Street from Inverness Street, but not from the rear lane of Forfar Street. We expect to complete this section within 2 weeks. Once this is finished, we'll open up the street completely


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Update by Steve Boyd (Project Manager)

Hi all,

A quick up date of this weeks progress for you as follows:-

Ocean Park

We have this week continued with the construction of the under ground Attenuation Tank, and progress has been very good as you can see by the attached photos.

Please be advised that we have a further tank base concrete pour booked for Tuesday 6th November 16 and may have to work a little later than usual in order to complete the operation.

Boldon Flats

Works have continued this week with the excavation and installation of the new surface water drainage from Cut Throat Dene towards Boldon Flats, works will continue into next week (Photos attached)


Our drainage works have continued this week on the sea front excavating and installing the new drainage network, working away from the businesses towards the existing tie in manhole.

Works will continue into next week, we aim to acheive the afore mentioned, then turn the existing flows into the new network, followed by reinstment of the block pavers.

Once we complete this work we then have to abandon part of the existing manholes and associted drain runs.

Hope you all have a nice weekend.


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