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By Rachel Rutter

Good afternoon, Please see below an update on our Storm Overflows Environmental Improvement Works taking place on Moor Crescent and Barnard Avenue: Esh Stantec have now installed the pipework on Moor Crescent and will move onto the final section of work installing connections and beginning permanent reinstatement. To enable this to take place, a temporary road closure will be in place on Moor Crescent from Monday 24 February 2025 for a period of 2 weeks.  On Monday 24 February 2025 the road closure on Barnard Avenue will also be repositioned for the next section of work to begin. Due to the location of our work, vehicle access will be restricted from Monday 24 February 2025 for 2 weeks. Please contact us direct if you have any questions at nwl.customer@esh.uk.com. Thank you Rachel

By Bethany Oakley

Good morning all, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, I’m Colin Short, Northumbrian Water’s Project Manager and I’ll be looking after the Fenham Service Reservoir scheme through to its completion. The scheme will be delivered by Northumbrian Water’s delivery partner, Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB). The majority of our work will be carried out within the covered service reservoir cells and the adjacent valve house within the site, but we do need to set up a temporary site compound and carry out some minor tree pruning, and access track improvement works within the site. We do, however, need to carry out some survey/investigative works on our drains and chambers in West Road (near Fenham Cottage) so Traffic management will be required for these works, and also for various deliveries to the valve house. The Team will post regular updates throughout our works. If you have any queries, please use the ‘Contact us’ button at the top of this page or add a comment on the post and a member of the Project Team will respond accordingly. If you prefer a telephone conversation or require any further information or advice, please contact our Customer Centre on 0345 717 1100 or visit www.nwl.co.uk to request a call back from the project team. Kind regards, Colin Short

By Christopher Bond

Hi Everyone. Since the return in January, we have been making good progress on site and we reached a key stage in the project this week. Our Supply partners, RetroFlo coordinated a crane lift on Tuesday 18th February to install a concrete cover slab for the pumping station, which was successfully completed. We will now continue with works inside the chamber and work our way up to ground level, completing the pipework and electrical connections. I will provide a further update in due course. Thanks

By Alice Blackett

Good Morning  Please see below an update on our Storm Overflows Environmental Improvement Works: Stanghow Road The work taking place on the edge of the Meadows is scheduled to be completed by Friday 21 February 2025. All work at this point will be backfilled and will be reinstated once the weather picks up. There will be no work taking place at the Meadows over the near future until other works have been completed near by. We will endeavour to maintain the site while there is no work taking place. There is a public right of way through the Meadows that will stay open and maintained. The road closure remains in place on Balmoral Road up to the Junction of Windsor Crescent. This section is scheduled to be complete on Friday 21st February when we will then move up to the next section of pipe. The works on the attenuation tank are still progressing nicely. The team are still working within the field constructing Manholes and installing concrete to pipe work. On 3rd February we will be working within the public highway constructing manholes. Traffic management will be in place using 2 way traffic lights and expect this work to be complete within 10 working days. We currently have 4 way traffic lights on the junction of Stanghow Road and High Street whilst we carry out trial hole surveys. These traffic lights are expected to be removed on Friday 21st February.  Pithouse Lane All drainage works are now completed with only the compound removal and field re-instatement works to be carried out once the weather permits.    

By Victoria Jobling

Good Morning  As it's been a little while since an update was posted, please see below an update on where we are prior to works starting. As a brief reminder, this important work will improve the resilience of the water network in Westerton, Coundon and the surrounding areas of Kirk Merrington and Ferryhill.  Your source of drinking water will not change, but it will be pumped directly from the bottom of Westerton hill via a set of new booster pumps situated in the field just next to the exit from the A688.  This will also be the location for the contractor’s compound and welfare areas.  There will be a new section of main running from the bottom of the hill, up to the village, where we will make some connections into the existing system of pipe work.  These pumps will have the capacity to supply your area and support the surrounding areas in times of high-water demand. From monday 3rd February, property survey reports have been carried out on properties throughout Westerton. This is to ensure there is no risk to residents homes and buildings due to the nature of our work and to give residents peace of mind whilst we work on improving the water supply network. We thank all residents for their cooperation whilst surveys have been carried out, it has been grately appreciated. We told you that the planned start date for work on site is February 2025, for approximately 12 months and we are writing to let you know this is still on track, so we will be setting up our contractor’s working area very soon. When the work begins there will be times when we need to have traffic management on the road through the village and our partners Esh-Stantec, will always let you know in advance when this is necessary.  The connection points on the existing mains have been chosen to avoid works within the carriageway as much as possible, as well as to minimise necessary works within the village.  Once the new pumps and new main are in service, we will then move to take the reservoir out of service.  We will contact you again in advance of any works taking place within the village itself to ensure any impacts are fully understood. There is no current plan to demolish the structure, only to drain, disconnect and make it safe.  It will remain as Northumbrian Water’s responsibility to keep the site safe and tidy.  As we mentioned last time, there has been requirement for us to complete some pre-construction property surveys to assure the work does not cause any vibration risk during the times we are working in the village making key connections. Any customers directly affected by the property survey work have now been contacted and the majority of those surveys have either taken place or have been planned in with the surveying teams. Our partners Esh Stantec will have a visible team in the area week commencing 24th February 2025 and their sub-contracting teams will also start to access site in the weeks leading up to physical work beginning in early March. Please be assured that we’re working closely with our partners to do all we can to minimise any disruption for you and your community throughout the work.  Typical working hours will be between 8.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you need a little extra help during the work, please let us know as soon as possible by calling the team on 0345 717 1100.

By Julie Oakley

Dear Customer We’re planning some further upgrading work in your area I’m writing to you to let you know about the next phase of work we are planning to carry out at our treatment works at Horsley which will run from 2025 to 2027 and consist of three separate projects.  This work is essential and represents a £33 million investment and will form part of the treatment process, ensuring the quality of the water supplied to 800,000 customers on Tyneside. A new contact tank will be constructed in the South West of the works and will run from 2025 until late 2027. Pumping station pipework renewal and commissioning of pumping station at the Southern end of the site which will run from April/May 2025 and last for around 12 months. Construction of new chemical dosing facility which will include the construction of two number new coagulant tanks approximately 5 – 6 m in height to the North of the site adjacent to existing tanks that are larger in height.  This is also due to run from April/May 2025 and last for around 12 months. All the work will take place within and directly adjacent to our site boundary and will be undertaken by our supply partners Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) and Ross-Shire Engineering. We do not anticipate any disruption for you and, I just wanted to let you know that you may notice increased activity and more heavy vehicles movements from the site but with mitigation in place with vehicular movements avoiding the village, as well as a little more noise from the site. The early phase of the enabling works for the Contact Tank work has commenced and will be limited to Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm. We expect to complete our work by October 2027. We are also planning a customer event so you can view and discuss our plans at Horsley Women’s Institute Village Hall on 04th March 2025 between 5.00 PM and 7.30 PM. Please be assured that your water and wastewater services will not be interrupted while this work is in progress and, as with all work of this type, progress is subject to weather and site conditions. Thank You Julie

By Rachel Rutter

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Good afternoon Hope you are all well! The team has now removed the main compound and have begun to reinstate the area. Joint sealing to the concrete slabs is ongoing including benching within manhole chambers. Concrete roads are being repaired, and preparation has begun for the tarmac repair. Please contact us direct if you have any questions at nwl.customer@esh.uk.com. Thank you Rachel

By Rachel Rutter

Good afternoon Hope you are all well! Work is now progressing on the new shaft, with the capping beam under construction. Work will be complete end of next week, leaving only the final benching to do. The team will then start working on pipe and chamber installation. Please contact us direct if you have any questions at nwl.customer@esh.uk.com. Thank you Rachel

By Rachel Rutter

Hello all, The ductile iron pipework has now been installed to flow meter, valve chamber and wet well. Backfilling levels to tank and chambers have begun, as well as the duct work being installed to allow power to the area. Remaining drainage has been installed for tank overflow and foul water inlet into Carlow tank. Please contact us direct if you have any questions at nwl.customer@esh.uk.com. Thank you, Rachel

By Bethany Oakley

Good afternoon, I hope you are well and had a great weekend. As you will be aware, we have experienced some delays upon our return from the Christmas break which have been out of our control. To try and minimise delays to the construction programme, our on-Site working hours will be changing to 8am – 5:30pm from the original agreement of 8am – 4pm. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. Kind regards, Bethany

By Alice Blackett

Good Afternoon We bring to you another update on our Storm Overflows Environmental Improvement works. Stanghow Road, Lingdale  On week commencing 10 February 2025, we will be conducting some further Survey Works in the town. This will not affect public roads or footpaths. We contniue to work on Balmoral Road installing the new pipework. We have installed the first section of pipework and have now moved further up the road to install the next section.  We are still carrying out excavation works on The Meadow in preparation for the new pipework. We are excavating for 675mm pipe and a 3m manhole in the lcoation of the Attenuation Tank. Pithouse Lane All drainage works are now completed with only the compound removal and field re-instatement works to be carried out once the weather permits. Finchale View Drainage installation ongoing with the completion of drainage and removal of the compound planned to be completed by the end of next week. As with Pithouse Lane the field re-instatement will have to wait until early spring prior to completion. Moor Crescent/Barnard Avenue Barnard Avenue pipework continues with the final connections being installed in the coming weeks. The new storm pipe on Moor Crecent continues to progress down the bankside. Once all work has been completed a full clean up of the road will be completed including reinstatements. Etherley Lane, Bishop Auckland The 2 way traffic management on Etherley Lane will be repositioned Thursday 20 February, and the road closure will be moved to the other entrance. Access for residents on Ediscum Garth will continue to be maintained.  

By Alice Blackett

Good Morning A little update for you all on Esh Winning Sewage Treatment Works. The team are currently testing and comissioning the system to make sure that everything is in good working order before the system is up and running. From 24th February, we will be starting the optomisation and performance of the dosing system until approximately the end of March. Please contact us direct if you have any questions at nwl.customer@esh.uk.com. Thank you Alice
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