The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.



We are investing £2.2 million to improve the water supply in the west end of Newcastle.

Project updates

Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon all, please see below, acopy of the latest correspondence issued to the residents affected by the Feham Project.

Fenham Project Correspondence Update


Update by Paul Richardson

Hello, I’m the new Project Manager (PM) for the Fenham Project.  The previous PM, Richard Johnston has a new job within the company so his current portfolio of work has been re-assigned. 

I have been selected to take this one on due to my knowledge on Service Reservoirs schemes.  I currently also look after the inspection, cleaning and repair of all service reservoirs in Northumbrian Water’s area, so I have a lot of experience in works of this nature.  I’m looking forward to working with the team to bring this challenging project to a swift conclusion.

Please feel free to contact me via the Contact button at the top of this page if you have any questions.



Paul Richardson

Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good morning all,

The site team have now painted the entrance gate/fence located at Linden Avenue with anti-vandal paint to hopefully discourage unwanted entries to site as well as installing a new security camera as a further preventative measure.

We are pushing ahead to get the work complete and the internal works will continue and we will keep you posted with the progress.

We would like to thank you all for your understanding and patience during our works.

Sarah Vickers

Liaison Officer (MMB)

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Thought you would need an update as we are returning back to site.

We have experienced some unexpected design issues which you may have noticed has delayed the overall progress of the project.

We now better understand design issues and intend to resume and complete the remaining works, this will include the final landscaping around the refurbished compartment.

To complete these works, we will require access via Linden Avenue during this time, please bear with us as you may notice a short-term increase in traffic whilst materials are transported.

During all vehicle movements, a member of staff will man the gate at the Linden Avenue access and we would appreciate your co-operation and consideration when you or your visitors are parking cars outside the haul road and along Linden Avenue throughout our remaining time on site. We will take advantage of the Summer months by working longer days (Monday to Friday 0800hrs – 1800hrs) to ensure we finish as soon as possible.

This finishing work will not affect your water supply.

We will return to site Tuesday 29th May to commence the remaining work and we anticipate being complete by 30th September 2018.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patience and support during this work.


Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Just thought I would take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful 2018 from all the Team.


Update by Richard Johnston

Good afternoon everyone, quick update on progress..

We now have now completed reconstruction of the reservoir compartment, as a reminder this involved new walls and connecting the walls into the existing roof slab the compartment is now (please excuse the pun) water tight..

Specialist water proofing contractors are now sealing the refurbished compartment in and outside of the compartment in readiness to commence a month of testing, disinfection and water quality sampling we hope the testing will be completed towards the end of September, once the testing is complete we can then start to import material to fill the void left by the abandoned part of the reservoir this will involve a short term increase in traffic coming onto site for a short period of time, customers located along Linden Avenue are likely to note this increased activity we intend to advise on dates and durations when this work will be taking place.

Many Thanks



Update by Amanda Hunt

Hi All

I am Amanda Hunt Customer Care Manager at Northumbrian Water.

Since the start of the Fenham project in November 2016 I have been taking a keen interest in the maintenence work and yesterday I got the opportunity to visit site to see how things are coming along on site. Luckily the sun was shining and it was great to get a tour of the site by Project Manager Richard Johnston to see first hand the scale of the project and the work in progress. I also managed to gatecrash the monthly progress meeting and take a sneaky snapshot.

I look forward to seeing the end result. 

Amanda :)









Update by Richard Johnston

Hello everyone

A quick update on how the works are progressing, we are now around 40% complete based on current programme.The new walls of the reservoir are well under way, with a fair wind we hope to commence testing of the repaired reservoir compartment in August, we are aiming for the majority of the works to be completed before the Christmas break.

On a security note, we have recently had instances where our site security has been breached, youths entered the site haul road area and somehow managed to open a gate! this breach of security is taken seriously we are concerned that the youths are putting themselves and others at risk, as a result the security breach is under investigation, we have made some short term improvements to our existing security until a much more robust solution is implemented.     

Thanks for now


Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Just a quick update for you.

The team have "cracked" on within the reservoir and next week 90m3 of concrete will be poured into it's base. You can see the preparation the guys have to sort before this huge amount of concrete is poured.(have a look at the photo)

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

I thought you maybe interested in how we are progressing with the refurb..........the photos say it all.

We will be finished tonight about 5.30pm for the Easter break and we will be back Tuesday 18th around 7.30am

Hope you all enjoy the Easter holidays.

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